Eddie x Reader : Drums are my escape

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We know how much Eddie loves his guitar right? Basically you with your drums! I hope y'all are enjoying these- this is my first ever book that I've written that is just imagines. (Also your band is just gonna have random names as your friends )
Warnings : Fluff
Key: b/n = band name | cover of s/n = song name(preferably a metal, rock band song yall. )
Your POV:

     You paced around the room, your friends were watching you,

"You need to calm down Y/n.. we'll do great!" Your brother, Ryker who was the electric guitarist, stated as he placed a hand on your shoulder,

"Yea I understand that but there's gonna be so many people.." you mumbled,

"Well it's not that much you know, it's a concert for people who enjoy our hard rock music." Harley who plays the bass guitar, said shrugging. You nodded agreeing,

"Your right I just.. it's just nerv-racking" you sighed. You crossed your arms looking at your drum-set. Your friends went off to get set up,

"You ready my darling?" You asked as you walked up to your drum set blowing a kiss to it. You weren't nervous because of the crowd.. you were nervous because a certain group was coming and a certain someone was coming too..

     You've been watching the Hellfire club out of the corner of your eye a lot, though you're not sure why you were drawn to a DND club. You think it was because of their leader. However they were always considered "freaks". Never sure why. Soon enough though, you was snapped out of your thoughts when the lead singer, Vincent, called your name,

"Y/n! Cmon it's almost showtime!" He yelled,

"Alright coming Vince!" You shouted back. You walked off knowing that the stage crew was bringing your drum set on stage,

"You ready Y/n?" Harley asked with a smile,

"You know it," you sighed,

"Don't stress Y/n you'll do great. And so will you guys!" Vincent patted Harley, Ryker and you on your shoulders,

"No retreat?" Ryker said smirking,

"NO SURRENDER!" You all shouted laughing. Not much later they called for places. Then you all looked at each other and ran to your spots, Harley tuned her bass in, Ryker tuned in his electric in and Vincent and you shook any nerves off. Soon, the curtains opened and you guys started to play the a cover of s/n...
Eddie POV:
30 minutes before the show started

"Cmon Eddie it'll be fun!" Dustin begged,

"For Jesus H. Christs sake fine, Dustin. FINE." I semi-yelled at him and he gave a cheer. He has been begging me to bring the Hellfire club to this show that a band was playing in the auditorium. The only real reason I agreed is because I've been noticing this group around the school. They are a band called b/n if I'm not mistaken. But I noticed this person in the group that caught my eye. I don't like them or anything, but I've wanted to talk with them for the longest time. I just never got the chance too,

"Eddie? Hellllooooo?" Jeff snapped his fingers and it broke me out of my thoughts,

"Huh what?" I blinked,

"Dude you were totally daydreaming about that person you keep talking about" Gareth stated,

"What no I'm-"

"Yes you totally are dude, that's why I begged you to agree to this! I need to see you talk with them man. It will kill me and I'll not loose a bet to Mike." He huffed,

Eddie Munson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now