CHAPTER 4: Happy Birthday Harry and Izuku

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Last Time On The Potter Twins

We left but Harry was in for a big surprise. Instead of returning back to the Dursley's care like he had thought. He'll be living with me and my mom in Japan. And let's not forget the suprised Birthday party for Harry and me.

Well It's a surprise for him, but not for me cuz I helped in decorating the gym with my quirk and I helped my mom, Aunt Mitsuki, and Ashley with the birthday cake.

I invited Kacchan, my friends and their families, the UA staff and some of the UA students and their family, some pro heroes and their family, Hogwarts teachers and their families, some of my neighbors, and my middle school classmates.

I hope Harry will make some new friends.

Harry's POV

Hagrid took us to Izuku's house, in London. I was confused to why. Izuku opened the door and pulled me in and something covered my eyes. I became scared. Izuku continued to pull me.

"I-Izuku where are you taking me?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"It's a surprise, brother." Izuku said, I calmed down a bit. I heard a door open and I was hit by cold air.

Izuku stopped and let go of my hand. Then the thing that was covering my eyes was removed. What I saw brought tears of joy to my eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY IZUKU AND HARRY!" Everyone yelled, I started crying in happiness.

"Harry, don't just stand there. Come on let's go have fun. It's a party." Izuku said, pulling me towards some games.

3rd Person POV

Izuku pulled Harry to the nearest game. There were a boy and a girl with half red and half white hair that was split evenly down the middle at the game.

"Shoto, Shoko meet my twin brother Harry." Izuku said, Shoto and Shoko introduced themselves to Harry and he did the same.

"So what's your quirk?" Shoto asked, Izuku decide to speak.

"Magic Wand. It's a little harder for him to use it than it is for me to use." Izuku said, Harry looked at him confused.

Izuku whispered 'I'll tell you everything later. Until then just go along with it.' Harry nodded, soon another set of twins with Ash blond hair and ruby red eyes came over.

"Happy Birthday, Deku and Deku 2.0." Izuku rolls his eyes.

"Izu-kun, Harry-san Happy Birthday." The girl said, Izuku smiled.

"Thanks Kacchan and Kats." Izuku said, Izuku introduced Harry to them.

"Harry this is Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugou. Katsuki, Katsumi this is my twin brother Harry Potter." Izuku said, Katsuki shakes his hand. But he noticed Harry's scar on his forehead.

"Where you get that scar?" Kacchan asked, Izuku was about to answer, but Harry spoke first.

"I've had it for as long as I can remember." Harry said,

"I think it's cool!" Katsuki said, with a smirk.

"Me too." Katsumi said, I noticed Ashley and Amber Faye coming over.

"Izu~" Amber said, I looked away while blushing.

"H-hi A-amber. Hey Ashley." I said, Harry noticed this and got the attention of the other four. They looked at me and tried to hold back from laughing.

~Time Skip~

After I finished introducing Harry to everyone we ate ice cream cake. Harry was smiling the whole time. Then it was finally time for us to open our gifts. I let Harry go first.

He got a dragon's egg, a Nimbus 2001, a Firebolt, a case of practice quidditch balls, a book on prank Hexes and Curses, and some All Might Comics and books.

I got a bunch of stuff that I wanted. I even got to met All Might in person!

~Time Skip~

After the party and we said goodbye to everyone except Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Nezu, My Mom, and myself. Mr. Nezu then took us to his office. I noticed that Harry looked sad, but I'm sure he'll be smiling as well as crying in happiness soon.

Harry's POV

I was sad that the party ended. Cuz now I'll have to return back to that hell hole. Mr. Nezu led us into a huge H shaped building. Which Izuku told me was the #1 Hero Academy U.A High. Mr. Nezu led us into his office. I was confused when everyone sat down. I decided to sit down in between Izuku and Inko.

"Now that you all are seated I'll get straight to the point." Mr. Nezu said, I looked at him in confusion.

"Mr. Potter we have one last surprise for you." I looked at him.

"What is it, sir?" I asked, Izuku giggled.

"You won't be returning back to London to live with your Brat of a cousin. Instead you will be living with your twin Izuku and his adoptive mother Inko. That is if you want to." Professor Dumbledore said, I looked at him in shock.

I started to process what he said. When tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Are you serious? This isn't some joke? I'm finally getting out of that house?" I asked, looking at everyone they smiled and nodded.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw that it was Izuku.

"So do you want to live with us?" Inko asked, I looked at her as tears of joy fell from my eyes.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times Yes!" I yelled, she smiled and pulled me into a hug. Izuku joined in.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I repeated, while crying.

And that's how my life changed forever. I was erased from the memories of the Dursleys' and I became Harry James (Midoriya) Potter. My life with Izuku and mommy Inko was great. We spent a lot of time together. I soon became a hero fan like Izuku, but My favorite heroes are Eraserhead, Ryukyu, and Mirko. We even got to met them.

But soon the day came for me and Izuku to head back to London to take the train to Hogwarts, but we weren't the only ones.


What will Happen next?

Who will Izuku and Harry find at the train station?

And how will they react?

Who knows. You'll just have to wait to find out next time on The Potter Twins!

Now before we go say it with me!



Word Count 1060.

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