the news..

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The nurse announced that blaze had woken up but he lost all his memory's. Gempa who had turned the speaker on had asked if it was pernament and the nurse told them no, but that it might take a really long time as they temself din't know an exact date. They were told that blaze could be going home new. Then in the phone call a boy yelled supper loud at sombody and the nurde told them the next info. "If hes in a uncormfteboll state or stress he will yell, thats wat just happend"

They then ended the call. "Okey, nobody croud him for new" gempa orderd his brothers. It was ice's time normally to visit with taufan. They both went to blaze's room and ice imidiently saw that evrithing that they placed in the room was gone. He was annoyed at it but taufan gave him a little push on his elbow to help him with blaze first.

Blaze had been in distress for a long time screaming multipul times until the 2 enterred he had seemed to calm down a bit. It was like he knew the people that entered the room were there to bring him back home, safe from the scary room he was in sinds he had woken up.

Taufan got closer to the bed while ice grabbed his pejama's and placed them on the bed to later on make blaze put on. Taufan placed his hand on the bed  and blaze placed his head to the side. He then tried to get up he got helped by taufan while ice was walking closer to him.

At the end they got blaze to chache clothes but it took him 30 minutes as he later on realised how to put them on. Blaze came out saying the pejama looked cute with a bright smile on his face. The other 2 smiled bifore ice gave his jacked to blaze as it was already night and could be a little cold for him.

They all walked toghether outside when a nurse walked out to them with 2 whale plushies. "I found these 2, here" the nurse gave it to ice and left. Blaze looked at wat ice was holding and questioned him. "Wats that?" "That is a plushy!" Taufan answerred cheerfully. Ice then offert to give one to blaze and he accepted the offer but placed the whale plush in the hoody.

Ice looked a bit hurt from the action but he knew it was nothing bad. His twin would alweys run with it or hug it to death while he would alweys sleep. Taufan saw the feelings ice was having when he desided too fly and look how far it was. Blaze stopped to look up at taufan flying in the sky. Blaze tapped ice on his schoulder and pointed at taufan in the sky. "Oh, he can fly thats his power. I have ice and water you have fire" ice explained to him.

Blaze looked amezed as he then ran towards somwere he din't even know. Ice was running bihind him. "Were you going?!" Taufan yelled from the sky as he spotted them running under him. "blaze stop!" Ice softly yelled. Blaze just gave giggles bifore he tripped to the ground.

Taufan and ice got close to blaze as they asked him if he had pain. "Hmm? Is it supposed to hurt then?" Blaze was so innicent in that moment. Later they arrived at there house blaze hid bihind ice as he felt uneasy. He was on the urge of screaming so taufan made a little conversation outside the door of the house. His idea was to get him a bit of confidence. After some time blaze felt it a d enterred the house right bihind taufan. He walked in and saw a person in brown. Ofvourse the 2 had told him they were al brothers and also informed about evribody's powers. Gempa looked up and towards the door to see blaze. He smiled softly as blaze was looking arround.

"Your room is up the stairs, you and ice chare a room" taufan said to blaze as he imidiëntly left to find the room.  When he got up the stairs he was left with 3 rooms that had decorations on the door of each element. He saw "ori trio?" He questioned himself. Out off couriosity he opend the door revealing hali who looked at the door after light had hit the room.

When he saw blaze he greeted him. Blaze closed the door leaving hali a little confused but he could't blame his brother for losing all memories. Blaze walked over somwere else the next door was decorated witha paiting of a sun giving light to flowers.  "Pretty" he said bifore opening the door to see thorn and a plant next to solat reading a book.

When thorn noticed him he jumped towards him but blaze imidiëntly shutted the door as he tought he was getting attacked. "Ouch" a little voice said. "You okey thorn? I think you scared him a little, but dont blame yourself from it" solars voice was even softer.

Blaze then enterred a door with pictures of fire and one water picture on the door. He dint like how uneven it was so he ripped evrithing from the door except the picture if water and one of fire. He walked in and sat on the bed with blue collors and a whale plushy witch was way bigger then the one he placed in the hoody. He grabbed the little one from the hoody bifore he eventually fell asleep on the bed.

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