Twinkle Twinkle

114 5 3

Twinkle twinkle little star
Let be get hit by a car
Up on the roof so high
Spread my wings and try to fly
Twinkle twinkle little star
Let me end this horrid life


Hello everyone before I Begin would like to say: GO PRESS THAT LIKE BUTTON AND LEAVE A COMMENT!! please? Thanks
Now being serious that you all for the votes and comments a special shout out to
Black_White_Rainbow Rhuthshana and @aleashya_muti3 for all the comments and votes u all rock 😀😋

And don't forget this is the last day/night to get ur poems quotes random ideas what ever in so please do that. 😎

Other wise that you all so much and if u ever want to chant or if u think u have a poem that you want the enter but are shy then feel free to private message me and maybe we can work on something.
Of that it then thank u all for u support and I do reply to every comment so don't be shy and if u have any ideas or ways to make the book better then feel free to tell me.

Vampire0love xoxox

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