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You can see the rain
You can hear the rain
You can feel the rain
But do you know why it rains

It rains so all the boys and girls
Crying late late at night
With demons in their minds
And a blade on their thighs

It rains so they know that we all
Cry late late at night
With demons on our minds
And with a blade at our thighs

It rains so we can all see the message the
World is giving us
That we can cry late late at night together
We can share the stories the demons tell us
And we can hold our blades together

The rain tells a story if your brave enough to listen and it sends a message to all who need it

So go and cry late late at night
With demons in your mind
And a blade on your thigh
And listen to the story the rain is telling you.

Fallen AngelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant