Peoples Poems Part 3

42 6 1

How do you tell your parents
You want to cut your wrists?

And bruise your skin
And bring pain to your body

How do you bring something like that up?


Hay everyone sorry I didn't update yesterday my wattpad wasn't working (well it was it just didn't let me post! So annoying)

This weeks poem winner would like to remain unknown and he/she has asked that I not put up their wattpad name so for this week lets just say that it was submitted by Jesse (the only name I can think of off the top of my head that is for boys and girls) so congratulation Jesse and what a wonderful quote.

Don't forget to get yours submitted for next week I will be doing them every Friday!

Stay strong my fallen angels

Fallen AngelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant