I heard

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I heard...
I heard when you called me







I heard when you made fun of me
I heard when you bitched about me
I heard when you made me look bad
And I watched as you excluded me

And now I want you to know that I heard
I heard it all
And it was like a knife to the heart
A cut to the wrist
A rope to the throat
A burn to my arm

You only had to say it once
Because I heard the first time
And every time after that
I heard...

Comment of something like that has ever happened to you or is happening it can be at school with friends family I don't care but if you want to vent the comments are free maybe someone will even relate I know I can.

Don't forget to submit you poems, quotes, short stories, random thoughts why ever just get them in by Friday and let's try to get the commitment up hay?! Be brave no one will judge you here I promise and of they do well we'll come up with an unnecessarily elaborate and crazy revenge plan yay!! An to those of you that do and anyone who has already submitted that you very much I love reading them :) they're amazing! :)

Stay strong my fallen angles

Fallen AngelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant