Little Boy

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I was sitting on a park bench when a little boy walked up to me. He pointed to the scars on my arms and said:

"I know how you got those"

I looked at my arm and realised my scars were showing. I quickly pulled down my sleeve and turned to him.

"How did I get them?" I asked

He looked at me took a deep breath and said:
"My big sissy use to have them, she said monsters put them there because when people are mean big girl and little girls, big boys and little boys monsters tell them to"

I looked at the boy a little amazed

"And we're is your sister now?" I asked

"She went on a special holiday because she was to sad here"

He heisted before climbing the seat and sitting next to me. He began to shuffle closer until he was on my lap.

"I miss her, so please don't go away to"

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