I'll Eat Anything - Tag challenge

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Okay so BeTheDerekToMyStiles nominated me for the tag challenge so here we go!!

Here are the rules:
1. You must post all the rules
2. You must tag 13 people
3. You must tell 13 facts about yourself
4. You must answer all 13 questions and give 13 questions for the people you tag
5. You can't say you don't do tag
6. You have questions week to do this and the creator can remind you
7. Be creative with the title

My questions
1. How Old are you?
I am 15

2. Who's your favourite writer on wattpad?
That's a hard one because I have lots but I would have to say my top 3 are
BeTheDerekToMyStiles &

3. Who's your favourite YouTuber?
PewDiePie and Alx James all the way baby!!

4. What country have I always wanted to go to?
I would have to say for me Ireland because its were all my family is from and I would love to go and see it because it always looks beautiful. Not to sure how long I would last in the cold tho.

5. What do you love the most about yourself? 
I think it's my ability to stand up for people. I mean I always stick up for my friends and family even if there being annoying I will always stand up for them and what I believe in.

6. Who do you Ship the most?
Oh god that's a hard one.
I would have to say I like sterek I think it's cute love stalia not a stydi shipper I don't care what you think. I love sciles as a bromance and I shipped scallison.
I ship River Song/The Doctor
Destiel all the way!!

7. What do yo want to be when your older?
I would have to say a physiologist or a physiotherapist.

8. Who do you really want to meet In you life?
Misha Collins or J2 or Dylan O'Brien or Tyler Hoechlin

9. What's you favourite song?
Honestly I don't have one I have favourite songs from different bands so yeah that's impossible to decide.

10. Who's your favourite celebrity?
Probably anyone from the following shows/movies:
Doctor Who
Teen Wolf
The Avengers

11. Do you have any siblings?
Yes I have 3 younger sisters

12. Where do you live?
I live in Perth, Australia

13. What's your favourite food?

Now for facts about me but be prepared I'm a boring person haha

1. I'm a binge watcher (if your give me a show an I like it it's all I will do until I finish it)

2. I love to swim but I think swimming lessons are boring

3. I play basketball

4. I love science and English

5. When I was little I thought that if I wished on a star I would become a superhero

6. I don't like coffee but if you give me some I'll drink it any way and I have no idea why

7. I once broke my toe by dropping a keyboard on it

8. I play the piano and my teacher is the best

9. I won't sleep unless my room is totally dark I don't know why

10. I use to believe Michael Jackson (the zombie versions from the thriller video) lived under the stairs in my house and would snatch me at night if I didn't sleep in my bed or tried to leave my room at night.

11. I'm scared of thunder

12. I love doing my hair and nails I don't know why it just makes me feel pretty (which isn't something I feel often)

13. I have a big fear of spiders

Okay so the people I tag are

And here are my questions:
1. What's the weirdest thing someone ever made you do?
2. What is your dream date?
3. What is you favourite T.V show?
4. What's your favourite movie?
5. Favourite song?
6. Favourite avenger?
7. If you could be anyone who would it be?
8. What is your favourite fictional universe?
9. What is guy favourite Disney movie and princess?
10. Favourite thing to do on the holidays?
11. If you could be any animal what would it be?
12. What's your favourite subject at school
13. If your could bring one T.V character to life who would it be?

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