Chapter Twenty-Two

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"And that's all for today. Please remember to email me your essay topics for approval by midnight."

With that, Doctor Dillamond snapped his folder shut, and the class jumped into action. Amidst the sounds of folding chairs flopping back into place, the zipping of bags, and general murmur, Galinda remained sitting in her seat, staring at her notes. Beside her, Elphaba was also busy stowing away her things, but stopped to check on her.

"What's wrong, Glin?"

At the rare use of her nickname, Galinda had no choice but to turn her head and meet her eyes immediately. She smiled sheepishly.

"Nothing, really. I'm sorry. I'm just a bit distracted, is all. Could... could we go through the notes later tonight? Just to make sure I understand it all correctly."

"You won't have to sit any tests or write any essays," laughed Elphaba and bumped her shoulder. "Come, let's get going. You're gonna be late for Enviro Design."

Nodding faintly, Galinda closed her laptop and slid it into her bag.

"I still think that it's important I keep up with the class, because otherwise I don't know whether I could be of much use to you later. I couldn't possibly write down every single word he says, and even if I did that, the result would be an overwhelming mess."

"You shouldn't worry about the details so much. But I appreciate your dedication, and of course we can have a look at it after I get back from work."

"You finish at five today?" she asked. "I can pick you up."

"That's not necessary," declined Elphaba far too easily, eliciting a pout from Galinda.

"But I can't wait to have you back! Now that we're so busy again, every second is precious. You're cruel to make me wait."

Elphaba averted her gaze, looking either shy or mortified, maybe both.

"Hush," she muttered under her breath. "You don't want to be overheard saying all this, do you?"

Sometimes, Galinda wasn't so sure about that anymore, but that was a sentiment that needed to remain unsaid for the time being. There was no point in giving Elphaba false hope while her resolve was still so feeble.

"When are you going to hand in your notice?" she ventured instead. Elphaba had reluctantly agreed to quit her job rather than ask for the pittance maternity leave the supermarket would offer.

"On Sunday," she said. "From then on it's four weeks."

Watching her facial expression, the pinched eyebrows, the clenched jaw, Galinda was left in no doubt that the prospect of absolute dependance was incredibly daunting to her. She understood her reasons but longed for their relationship to finally transcend such issues. One day, she told herself; one day, even obstinate, paranoid Elphie would be able to trust her with abandon. Wouldn't she?

"Four more weeks from Sunday. I can't wait."

She wished they were back at home already so that she could press a kiss to her temple, her cheek, or maybe her lips. To reassure, and also just to give expression to the love she felt for her. In lieu of a better option, she touched her hand and gave her a tender look.

"Your class can't wait either," Elphaba said flatly as if she were immune to Galinda's affectionate gestures.

It stung a little, but she was right of course, and so Galinda hurried along in an attempt to not be abysmally late.

Environmental Design was fast becoming one of her favourite subjects of all time. While she'd been surprised to meet her new lecturer the week before and learn that Professor Lenx—whose work she'd marvelled at for quite some time now—was, in fact, a Boar, she took it in a stride. Unlike some of her classmates, she was above such trivial distinctions these days and glad for it.

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