Chapter 11

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*Brooke's pov*

After school I went to the DX to see Sodapop. While I was walking a blue mustang slowed down beside. They started to say really dirty things to me, I just ignored them and walked faster. But they stayed right beside me.

"Hey baby, we'll give you a lift." One said smirking.

"I'm good." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Ok baby, but don't think you're getting away. We'll see you real soon." He said it with a wink and they sped off.

That scared me. What did he mean by "see you real soon"? I wanted to tell Sodapop, but I knew I couldn't. He would probably flip out and hunt them down and beat them up.

When I got to the DX there was a flock of girls gawking over Sodapop. I laughed at them and walked right through them. They all gave me dirty looks. I didn't care though.

I walked up behind Sodapop and put my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?"

"The president. No wait! It's Paul Newman!"

"Haha your hilarious." I said as he turned around and hugged me.

"I'll be off work in about 10 minutes, we can walk home."

"Ok that's great, but um Soda I uh think tonight I need to call my parents and work things out."

He was silent for a second.

"That's great Brooke. I hope you can work it out with them."

He wiped his forehead off with the back of his hand. God he was so sexy when he was sweaty.

Steve looked up from the hood.

"Hey Brooke. Can you come here for a second, I need to talk to you."

I walked over to him a little nervous. I didn't think Steve liked me all that much cause of how much time Sodapop and I spent together.

"Hey Steve, Watcha need?"

I tried to act casual.

"Listen," he said turning around and leaning against the truck, "I know what happened today might of been a little scary. But you need to know that we are Greasers and that's how we solve things. You may think Sodapop is some guy who likes to beat people up. He's not, he did that to defend you. So don't be scared of him, be thankful ok?"

"I wasn't ever scared of him. He may be a tough greaser, but I've seen the side of him that's just a sweet guy. But thanks."

We both walked over to Sodapop.

"Our shifts over, let's head home Brooke."

*Soda's pov*

Brooke and I were headed home. I couldn't stop thinking about Brooke and her mom. I really wanted to prove to her mom I was good for Brooke, and mainly she was good for me. She made me a better person. It was really worrying me though, it worries me so much I pulled out a cigarette and started to smoke. Brooke looked confused.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"I don't normally, just got a lot of stuff on my mind." I took a long drag on my weed.

"What's on your mind cutie?" She said with a smile as I grabbed her hand intertwining our fingers.

"Brooke, if it's possible I want you and me to talk to your mom. I want to show her that we are good together. That I'll be the best boyfriend you've ever had."

"Boyfriend? You mean we're an official couple now?"

"I hope so, you'd be the best girlfriend ever."

"I like that, I like all of this. I love you Sodapop Curtis."

"I love you to Brooke Jones." I stomped out my cigarette and kissed Brooke. We started laughing and joking around. We were almost home.

"Hey why don't you get on my back, I'll carry you." I smiled at her as she jumped up on my back and I ran home as she held onto my neck laughing.

*Brooke's pov*

When Sodapop said he wanted to be the best boyfriend and that I was his girlfriend, something inside me clicked. I wasn't afraid to be myself around him anymore. I could goof around and wouldn't feel weird about it. It was the best feeling ever.

Soda and I walked through his front door.

"Well I guess I need to call my mom."

"The phones right over there," Soda said as he pointed to a yellow phone, "good luck."

I walked over to the phone and sat down as I dialed my home phone number.

It was ringing.



"Brooke! Oh um hello, how are you?"

"I'm good."

"Where have you been staying?"

I made sure to say this part with confidence.

"Sodapop's older brother let me stay at their house."

It was silent for a second.

"Well I'm glad you found a place to stay."

"Yeah um mom, I think we all need to talk."

"I would be open to that. You can come by tomorrow night and we can speak."

"I won't be the only one coming over, Sodapop wants to come and speak to you and dad."

"I don't know if I approve of that Brooke."

"Well then I guess you'll never see me again."

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow."


I slammed the phone down.

She was so selfish! I'll show her, Soda is perfect for me! I was so mad that I started to tear up. I put my face in my hands.

Sodapop walked in concerned.

"Brooke? Oh no what happened?"

He sat beside me putting his arm around me and his hand on my thigh.

"Oh nothing she was just being rude. It was like she didn't even miss me."

"Brooke I know your parents miss you, you don't need to worry about it."

"Yeah I guess you're right. So where are Darry and Ponyboy?"

"Oh Darry had to work late and Ponyboy went to the lot with Johnny and Two - Bit."

"Oh, so it's only 4:00 what do you wanna do?"

I said as I jumped up on Sodapop's lap draping my arms around his shoulders. Sodapop wrapped his arms around me.

"I have an idea. Come on!" I got off of him as he ran to his room. He came out with a picnic basket and a blanket. He rushed to the kitchen and started to fill the basket with random food.
"What are doing Soda?" I laughed as he shoved a whole loaf of bread in the basket.
"We are going to go on our official first date. I realized we never actually went on one."
He smiled at me.
"Aw that's so sweet Sodapop, but do we really need an entire loaf of bread?" I laughed.
"Uh duh! Have you not seen how much I eat?"
We both laughed as he shut the picnic basket and we headed out the door to our first date.

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