Chapter 18

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*Soda's pov*
After I dropped Brooke off at home I headed to my house. When I got there nobody was home. So I went inside and plopped on the couch. It was about midnight so I was kinda tired. I guess I fell asleep because Darry came in and slammed the door hard. He woke me up.
"Hey Darry, what's wrong?"
"I can't find Ponyboy. It's two in the morning and I can't find him. He was supposed to be home at midnight. Where in the hell could he be?"
Darry was pacing the room with his hands on his head.
"Darry calm down I'm sure he is fine."
"But you don't know that! He could be dead in a ditch for all we know!"
"Hey man don't go saying that stuff! It ain't alright. Have you called any of the guys? He's probably with them."
He went over to the phone.
"I couldn't get ahold of Dally or Johnny. But Two-Bit or Steve said they didn't know where he was. I'll call Tim, maybe he's seen em'"
Darry picked the phone up and started to dial the shepard's number.
I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands. This was bad. And we couldn't even call the cops because we'd be put in a boys home.
"Hello? Tim?," Darry held the yellow phone to his ear," yeah it's Darry. Hey man I can't find my little brother pony anywhere, have you seen him?" He paused for a minute listening to what Tim had to say. "Alright man, thanks anyway."
He hung up the phone.
Just then the door creaked open, and in walked Ponyboy.
"Where the hell have you been?" Darry said with anger.
"Hey pony where ya' been?"
Darry kept yelling till he finally got a answer out of Pony.
"I fell asleep in the lot okay?"
They just kept yelling and fighting. Pony looked really tired and so did Darry.
"Come on let's go to bed Pony." I said rubbing my head.
Pony couldn't come to bed because him and Darry kept screaming at each other.
"Come on Darry give him a break!"
"Shut up! I'm sick and tired of you standing up for him!" Darry yelled.
"Don't you yell at him!" Pony screamed, but then all of a sudden Darry slapped him. Sending him to the ground. We were all shocked.
Pony was stunned and then he just ran out the door. Darry was calling after him but he just ran.
I was shocked. How could Darry slap him? I went and sat on the couch with my head in my hands.
Darry came back inside rubbing his neck.
"Why the hell would you slap him? He's just a kid he did nothing!"
"Shut up Sodapop I feel bad enough!"
He sat down on the couch with tears in his eyes.
"It's alright Darry, he'll come back. He's just a little scared right now."
"What if he doesn't? What if he doesn't ever come back?"
I didn't know what to say. I was still shocked.
"I don't know Darry. I just don't know."
Darry grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch.
"I'm gonna go look for him. I'll be back soon."
Darry walked out the door as he was putting his jacket on.
I was so scared. Ponyboy really could be gone forever. I sat there for a minute. I decided to call Brooke.
I dialed her number and it rang for a minute.

*Brooke's pov*
I woke up to the phone beside my bed ringing.
"Hello?" I answered groggily.
"Brooke? It's Sodapop."
"Hey Soda. Why are you calling me so late?"
"Ponyboy ran away."
I stopped for a second because what he said woke me up.
"Wait what?"
"Ponyboy got home really late because he accidentally fell asleep in the lot. Then Darry got really mad at him, and he- and he."
"Soda what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine it's just that," he took a deep breath, "Darry got really mad at him and he didn't know what he was doing and he accidentally, hit him."
I paused for a second. Darry hitting Ponyboy? I couldn't see that. It just shocked me so much.
"Oh- Oh my God. Where did they all go?"
"Well Pony ran away right after and Darry went looking for them. I stayed behind because I was just so shocked."
I didn't know what to say really.
"Did you call the cops?"
"We can't, if we do then we will get thrown in a boys home."
I was still so shocked and saddened by the news.
"Whatever you need Sodapop I'll be there."
"Thanks Brooke. I just don't know what to do."
I could tell he was about to cry.
"I'll be over to your house first thing in the morning. Is that ok?"
"That's perfect. They all really like you, so you can help us get through this."
"Sodapop ya'll are like my second family. When I needed help ya'll were there for me. I can do the same for ya'll."
I smiled.
"Thank you Brooke. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight Soda, I love you."
"I love you too."
I hung up the phone. I was still shocked. I lied down still not knowing what to think.

*Soda's pov*
After I got off the phone with Brooke I lied down on the couch waiting for Darry and Pony to come back.
I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up it was morning and Darry was asleep in his chair.
I got up to wake him up.
"Darry get up." I shook him.
He jumped when he woke up.
"Huh? Oh hey Soda."
"Did you find Ponyboy?"
He looked at the floor.
"No I-I didn't."
Just then someone started to bang on our door.
I walked over to it and opened it.
There stood two cops.
"Good Morning gentlemen, I need to ask you a few questions."
They both walked in with out being asked.
"Uh sure I guess. Here you can sit down."
They sat down on the couch and started to pull out some papers.
I sat down in the other chair and Darry stayed in his.
"So," Darry said rubbing his eyes, "what's all this about?"
It couldn't be about Ponyboy, we hadn't told anyone that we hadn't found him.
"Well last night there was a murder, and we have reasons to believe that your brother, Ponyboy Curtis, was an accomplice."
I sat there with my mouth wide open unable to speak because of the shock. Darry stuttered as he tried to speak.
"Wh-what? Why the hell would you think that?"
"Because he was there. Last night at around 3 a.m Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade were in the park and a group of boys came up to them. Now we don't know all the details but we do know that Johnny Cade stabbed a kid named Bob. And it was reported that Johnny and Ponyboy left together."
I couldn't speak. I don't know what to think.
Just then there was a knock on the door and Brooke walked in. She looked confused.
I got up and walked over to her.
"Hey Soda," she lowered her voice to a whisper, "I thought you said you couldn't call the cops?"
"We didn't. It's about something else."
The police and Darry kept talking.
"Listen, Mr. Curtis. If you can just tell us where Mr. Ponyboy and Mr. Johnny are this will be a lot easier."
"I've already told you, I don't know where they are!"
Darry was getting mad.
"Ok sir," the cops said as they started to pack up their papers, "we will let you know when we do find them." And with that they left.
Brooke was so confused. I was still confused.
Darry got up rubbing his head. He walked to the kitchen to get an aspirin.
"What's going on Soda?" Brooke asked.
"It's Ponyboy, him and Johnny, murdered a soc last night."

----------AUTHORS NOTE----------
Soooo do you all like it so far? I honestly love writing this.
Feedback is much appreciated! Please comment, vote, and follow me!

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