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Outfit above^

Y/n FallFlower

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Y/n FallFlower

Since we made a big ruckus yesterday we had to move places we stood on hawks mom as she walked heavily

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Since we made a big ruckus yesterday we had to move places we stood on hawks mom as she walked heavily. "hey Elizabeth can you come downstairs for a minute?" Meliodas asked.

"Don't do this captin please" I begged. " it's just a outfit" he replied.

" you want me to collect rumors and any possible leads about the other sins where abouts"  she asked. " some Intell about the holy knights would be fine too" he said. 

" are you actually a bad criminal? Like they say?" she asked.
" truth is I went around and stole 1000 girls panties" he said. " really!?" She asked. " no" he said.

"Ok ok I actually went around and groped 100 girls boobies" he said.

Then hawks mom planted herself in the ground causing Elizabeth to fall and I caught her because that pervert was not about to touch her.

We watched as she finished digging in, then meliodas said " I usually buy my liquor anywhere but vanya's stuff is special!" Telling is.
" your just an alcoholic" I added.

" well they used to have famous and the finest water, but it looks like it's all gon bone dry." Hawks said as he looked out at the sewers.

" look at all these people in the square! Think it's a festival?" Elizabeth screamed. " what's the festival about?" I asked. " does this look like a damn festival to you?" The man yelled. " yes, that's kinda why I asked?" I answered back. " we're trying to pull out the sword a holy knight stuck in the ground!" He yelled at us. " but why?" Meliodas questioned.

"He's blocking our water and our "gruit!" Some men yelled.

Well I can do it but I'm not gonna do it

" what's all the noice about? A holy knight sword in the ground is nothings! If my buddies the eight deadly sins were here that sword would be out in no time." Mead snickers.

The people yelled at him.

A girl picks a rock and throws in a mead but goes in meliodas's direction and I grab it before it hits his face. "Next time watch where you throw" I scolded. We began running with mead but that didn't stop the people from hitting meliodas. I laughed the whole run to the tavern.

"So tell me kid why did they all.." he asked. " don't call me that your a kid too!" Mead stopped him. " but I'm not?" Meliodas told him.

Mead demanded he'd have food before he would answer our questions.

" I never said it was gonna be tasty" he told him. " so mead I heard you happen to be a prankster with a bad sense of humor" Elizabeth scolded.


Elizabeth then went to a story about her being a bad kid too. " I don't do this kinda stuff because I don't feel for them, they're all real good to me!" Mead explained.

Mead went into a story

"Is that why you put the bug in the holy knights drink?" Eliza asked.
" NO! I did that because he treated everyone in the village like they were trash!" He yelled.

" okkk what about you saying your best friends with the eight deadly sins?" Meliodas asked. "I lied."

" too bad, I had my hopes up for a bit?" He lied. We heard yelling from the village and ran off.

We heard some knights saying " listen up you peasants! If you don't pull this sword out by sundown we're Gonna charge you 10x the product tax!" He yelled.

Ruckus was made.

Mead rushed up and tried to pull the sword out the knights and towns people yelled " stop mead, your only making it worse! If it's only the kid who's gonna try it's not gonna make it any funner"

"So we're gonna charge 20x the tax!" The fat knight yelled.

" picking on a kid who's trying to help you isn't mature at all. If you care about this town you'll quit lacking and help him" I said. Everyone rushed to help them.

The knights turned red and talked shit. Meliodas then got up and said " anyone who doesn't appreciate the quality of booze doesn't deserve to drink it" as he snatched they're cups.

" sorry I have no money for those drinks but maybe this will pay for it" as he snatched the sword out the ground.

Meliodas threw the sword at them and they ran like a dog with its tail between its legs. " hey mister that was amazing are you really.." mead got cut off by meliodas

" yep I am the proprietor of a fine drinking establishment!" As he pointed at himself telling mead to go talk to his family/ towns folk.

We watched the tavern fill up with customers and we assigned Elizabeth to serve the people as watched her fall. " this is the funniest shit I've ever seen" I laughed.

I heard the town auntie say " you better watch your mouth or I'll put in the forest of white dreams!"

"You heard that too meliodas?" I asked. " yeah I think we should head there next." He replied.

I heard a chime in my ear and I walked outside. " I'll be back" I told them. " I heard it too y/n" meliodas told me. " yeah but let's not forget I'm the main character" I winked at him.

I meet with Elizabeth and I see her outside. " what's the problem princess ?" I ask. " oh lady y/n I know sir meliodas still has me on shift but when I say mead and the villagers, it brought a lot of memories for me." Elizabeth told me.

" is that righ?" I asked not paying much attention to her. " maybe over here in the left?" I told myself.

" with a princess like me they're chances are slim for savior" she moped. " well you find me and captin? If you weren't trying you would'nt have stumbled into the bar" I replied.

" but right now I have something I'm supposed to do." I told her.

I see the spear coming for me and I grab it ripping my gloves off. I got up dusting myself off seeing Elizabeth's running " Lady y/n!!" Elizabeth screamed over the cliff. I fly threw 5 buildings then I dig heels in the ground and throw the spear back.

" we found you!" Elizabeth came running. I think that's from the holy knight who dug the sword in the ground" meliodas told me. " we need to get moving soon we can't stay here anymore" I tell him.

Elizabeth and hawk walk infront of me and meliodas stops me.
" y/n your have to be safe, I don't know if I could live if you were to die." He told me. " I know you don't think I could die just by some holy knights spear." I tell him. " of course not it's just I don't want you fighting too much" he begged.

" maybe you shouldn't expect that from me you know I've always been a fighter, I just took a 10 year break I just need a warm-up" I told him "don't worry I'd never leave your side" I added and kissed his lips.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now