29, ★

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Y/n Fallflower

Jericho grunted as we walked along the dirt.
" damn it!!" She yelled.
" is he that heavy?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

" I can't stop I won't run out of steam in a place like this!" She grunted again.

" I'll protect you I swear!" She screamed. I can say she's crazy but I loved how confident she was, I admired that.

She lost balance almost falling over before I caught her.
" gotta be careful girl" I told her lifting her back up.
" sorry!" She spoke looking at me then Elaine and Ban.

We heard a loud thud before seeing a large bolder coming towards us.
We dodged it in time before seeing another one.
Jericho began running away from it before it went over head hitting the ground.

" those monsters are toying with us!" She growled.
" I just love my life" I smiled with sarcasm showing my fangs.

" oh no other one!" Jericho yelled before it fell in front of her.
" that was close" she huffed.
" don't let your guard down!" I shouted getting infront of her as the ball came backwards.

I turned using the wind from my wings to send it back.

" let's go before they try something else" I ordered.
Another ball came hitting behind us knocking us off our feet sending us flying of a mountain.

I caught my self with my wings using my power to catch the others.
" I need to retire" I huffed. I carried the three inside what looked like a tavern.
I opened the door to see a scrawny man with orange hair. I know those glasses from anywhere.
" Escanor?" I squinted my eyes to get clear vision.
" oh hello y/n" he greeted.

" you know this guy ?" Jericho asked.
" yeah we go wayyyyyy back" I grinned.

Ban opened his eyes giving the same reaction.
" wait I know you!" Ban shouted.

" wait does that mean your the holy knight who came to arrest me next?!" He shrieked.
" calm down you think I'd let a holy knight kill me?" I laughed with my hands on my hips.

" Your saying the seven deadly sins no longer need to stay in hiding?" He asked.
" yup now days your even called hero's" Jericho replied.

" ban! Is ms.Merlin safe as well?" He seeked.
" she's with captain safe and sound" Ban assured.

" as much as I love this reunion monster trying to eat our souls right outside" I pointed.

" oh very well you can hide in the pantry" he declared opening the door.
Everyone laid down as I got some bandages strapping up everyone's head.

" you don't have to-
" let me before I stop liking you" I told Elaine.
I did everyone before hearing a loud bang and a scream obviously Escanor's.
" there not here" Galand questioned. I heard sniffing noises meaning they were literally hunting us.

Before we knew I smelled the breath of alcohol. When the fuck will the sun raise?

Escanor was explaining Vanya Ale to them trying to keep them occupied. They went on about taking out the whole world.

" and that human and y/n who took out our hearts will be the firsts to die along with the human girls and young fairy" he smirked

" now give it up barkeep we know they're behind that door, however most of them seem to be on the brink of death" he added.

" but I'm in a very good mood... ITS GALAND GAME TIME!" He yelled as melascula cheered.

" a game you say?" Escanor questioned.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now