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TWO OF THE ARCHANGELS showed up betting how long it would take to kill Derieri,Galand, Monspiet, Melascula, and Fraudrin

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TWO OF THE ARCHANGELS showed up betting how long it would take to kill Derieri,Galand, Monspiet, Melascula, and Fraudrin.

They created huge arks on the demons.
" if I cared about them this would be sad except I don't" Y/n outbursts.

Once the brightness tunneled down we seen they killed off the weak demons but the five commandments still stood.

Monspiet threw his hellfire at them shooting the ground making flames.
" seriously you people don't have any respect for trees" y/n mouthed getting up to put the fire out.

As they continued to watch seeing the Archangels beat up the commandments.
" I'd sure hate to fight them" Gloxinia chattered.
" the archangels are on a different level" y/n voiced out.

" let's go!" Meliodas yelled as we ran after him.
Monspiet and Derieri started doing something making them both transform into beasts.

As the fight went on no one was getting hurt except the forest.
Y/n fell back in pain holding her chest.
" the forest.." she groaned.
" y/n!" Drole shouted grabbing her body.

They found Elizabeth's body on the ground in a goddess shield meliodas stood in front ready to reach into it.
" wait don't do that" y/n mumbled pointing her hand at the Sun, a giant ray came down zapping the shield shattering it.

As parts of the forest burnt down
Y/n whimpered in pain.
Elizabeth flew up to the archangels saying " stop, I'm putting an end to this"

" what are we looking at?" Drole asked directing to Derieri and Monspiet.

" a form a demon takes by sacrificing 6 of its hearts they'll rampage til they die" he informed.
" what? No way! We have to do something" Drole shouted.

" if they go like this Britannia is finished" he added.

" it's not a lot we can do either wait til they used up their lives and die or-

" lady Elizabeth let's join forces and end these ugly beasts" ludociel offered.
" no"
" I'll save them" Elizabeth added. The symbol from her eyes growing and glowing behind her.
A pink wave pushed of her making mostly everyone fight back the wind impact it had.
" let there be light!"
She sent out a pink ray shooting both Derieri and Monspiet.
" lady Elizabeth are you insane?! These lowly beasts aren't worth saving!" Ludociel raged.
" if we wipe them out then all the races with have less of a threat to life" he continued.

" it tools like it's getting worse!" Gloxinia spouted.
" the darkness is powerful it with do whatever it can to resist her light" y/n acknowledged.

Ludociel then went to strike the demons while Elizabeth was doing her thing on them.
Y/n flew up standing behind Elizabeth.
" leave him to me" she spoke.
" thank you y/n" she smiled.

" sariel tarmiel get over here! We're gonna destroy the Ten Commandments and y/n!" He announced.

" oh y'all tryna jump a bitch?" She sassedz
Sariel and Tarmiel joined the sides of Ludociel only to add their powers to help Elizabeth.

" isn't it obvious?" Sariel smirked.
" we've decided to ignore your commands and act on our feel will" tarmiel laughed.

" give to them all that once now!"
Y/n and Meliodas shouted in sync.

The blast worked turning them back into their old selves as they dropped to the ground.
Elizabeth fell down in tiredness as
y/n caught her putting her on her back.

Ludociel dove down to kill Derieri and Monspiet.
" stop it!" Meliodas screamed before he was flicked like a fly by Drole.

" what are you doing? Drole, Gloxinia, why thwart me?" He cried.

" going in for the kill when your opponent can't move? What a low blow!" Drole scolded.

" we owe you guys one!" Y/n cheered thanking Sariel and Tarmiel also.
" we don't need a thanks from you we are lady Elizabeth's allies" they argued.

" a simple head nod was the only thing you had to do" y/n sassed.
We sensed trouble in the forest heading there in fear.

" we have to go! rou.." y/n shouted.
Y/n flew in the forest with angry the only thing on her mind was murder.. she began to slip into her old self.
" y/n! Calm down" meliodas blurted.
" you can't black out like that it's ok, we'll deal with him together" meliodas assured.
Y/n's mouth peered open in lost listening to him.
" I'm ok I'm ok" she smiled turning back and flying forward.

I got into the forest seeing gerheade laying on the floor with no wings and her legs had been cut off.
" gerheade! Who did this to you?"
Y/n shouted holding her up.
She looked up at Rou with anger.
Gloxinia finally met up with y/n with just as much anger y/n had.
She healed Gerheade but couldn't recliners her legs.
" get your hands off my sister!" Gloxinia screamed.

Rou talked a bunch of words no one listened to.
Gloxinia casted his spirit spear sending it flying at Rou killing him.

Guys please don't forget this is y/n from back then so she doesn't know that's king and Diane

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Guys please don't forget this is y/n from back then so she doesn't know that's king and Diane.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now