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Y/n Fallflower

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Y/n Fallflower

"Let's get Diane sacred treasure back!" Meliodas yelled

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"Let's get Diane sacred treasure back!" Meliodas yelled.

" first up is the elimination round! The referee will be yours truly, love helm" he said. " the rules for this game will be easy knock your opponents out of this ring throwing pushing and punching is fine! It has to be barehanded anyone still standing will move to the finals" he added.

A man up to me and said " hey little princess I think you should get out of here we could go out some time" I punched him in the stomach sending him flying out of the ring. " what a dumbass, to think he can handle all this ass" I say winking.

" you guys make sure to hold your punches"  Meliodas said. " yeah obviously this festival wouldn't be fun if we killed everyone" ban explained.

" let's take a look at who's still in the ring!!" Love helm yelled.

We all headed to the waiting area king was gonna be a standing in since it had to be a even number to get to fight. " this sucks why can't we just go to the finals?" Ban wined.

First match is matrona and griamore, next is taizoon and howzer, ban and meliodas.

" what names did you sign us up for ban?" King asked. " relax I got yalls back" he replied. 

We heard Baan, Meliodaf, and old fart.

" why didn't they call me?" I ask. "looks like we have an extra who ever wins the last match goes again this Queen!!" As he pointed to me.

" umm what's with those names you?" Meliodas asked.
" you dumb ass those are so obvious!" I scolded slapping his head.
" sorry mom I can't think when I'm on the spot" ban replied rubbing his head.

Howzer then thought we were the Seven deadly sins and examined us. " nahhh yours names are totally different, sorry my mistake" he said.

" looks like we fooled him" ban said.
" cause he's dumb" Meliodas said.

" alright folks!!! First we have matrona and griamore" love helm yelled. " standing at 7 feet tall and weighing 400 pounds griamore!!!!!" He added.

" standing 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing none of your business matrona!!" love helm said.

Love helm made her remove her cloak to reveal a boar hat uniform " captain that outfit!!" King said.
" no dout it's a tavern uniform" meliodas replied.

" but it can be Elizabeth, you seen how she knocked out those men Elizabeth isn't that strong atleast not yet" I point out.

" if that's Elizabeth something isn't adding up, her breast are small and her butt is bigger than usual" meliodas said.

I punch his head then stomp on him. " your so gross." I say
" to be honest your boobs and butt are bigger" meliodas says squeezing my boobs.

They began fighting.

Matrona ran up to griamore and punched him repeatedly, a purple wall then surrounded him protecting himself. She still tried to punch the wall as it grew trying to force her out the ring.

" if princess veronica asked me to I'd bring the seven deadly sins to they're knees even meliodas himself!!" Griamore yelled.

" who the fuck does this guy think he is?" I ask. Matrona then said " that's not gonna happen" and sent him flying out the ring.

Her hat came off and it revealed... " Diane is that you?" I ask.
" oh well and here I was trying to stay hidden a little longer" Diane said as she jumped down.

"Next up is meliodaf and baaan!!!" Love helm yelled

King went after Diane and I said " king leave your pillow here I'm tired!" I say and he just leaves it floating in the air.

We watched howzer win his fight and next was meliodas and ban.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now