21, ★

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We stood in front of the red demon all in shock.
" it's so red and flappy! It gives me the creeps!" Diane yelled.

" is that what I think it is?" King asked.

" yeah a demon" meliodas said.
" so they really existed?" King said.

" the energy from this matches the energy I sensed from dale and the new generation" gowther said.

" it's safe to assume that this is the root of evil" he added.

" twenty years ago, the moment it was discovered in the fairy kings forest" Hendrickson said.
I turned my head to king " wonder why".

" this red demon has been a great boon, from the old generation to the new generation." He added.

He sent purple wires at us witch everyone dodged....but ban.

" if the red demon is you only ace in the hole it's best to fold now" ban said.

" because I'm the one that killed that fat freak!" Ban yelled hitting Hendrickson in the head knocking him threw the ground.

" someone's a little tense" I said.

" ban you really killed that thing?" King asked.

" who killed what when isn't important" ban groaned.

" look at the size of this hole!" Meliodas yelled.

" I sense a slight breeze meaning a cave must be down there" gowther said As we all jumped down.

" great, we made it down here and it's pitch black" meliodas said.

" you can't seem to flick that booger huh ban?" Gowther asked.

" oh my goodness" I said flicking on a bright flower bringing a little light.

" a trail of blood.." Gowther pointed.

" who knew there was such a huge cave down here?" King questioned.

" I'm certain that the space itself, has been here for thousands of years" gowther said.

" I guess whatever is down here is long gone" meliodas added.

" captain!" King yelled as we all looked up to see Hendrickson on both feet.

" my gratitude, fox sun ban for making this possible if not for you I wouldn't be  able to acquire the power of the red demon" he spoke.

" always happy to help" ban spoke sarcastically.

" unlike the blood of the red demon, this one brings instant death to any soul" Hendrickson drove on.

" this one?" Meliodas asked.

" captain I think there's something back there" I said brightening my fire to what looked to be...
It was long, grey and old

The air got tense as we got a look of it, " a grey demon remains were discovered here several years ago!" Hendrickson smiled.

He took a bloused needle and stuck it in the demon grabbing about an ounce of blood.

He held is arm next to his needle as he spoke about experimenting further before.

" are you nuts?!" Meliodas yelled.

" if I can take the red demons blood, then I can take this as well!" He yelled.

" this motherfuck is really crazy.." I said as my mouth hung open.

He gasps and screamed as the blood began flow through his chest.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now