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𝘠/𝘯 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳In regular time now

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𝘠/𝘯 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳
In regular time now

WE WERE AT a castle that had a cast of fog over it

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WE WERE AT a castle that had a cast of fog over it.
" what a blast from the past! I could be wrong but isn't this the old castle where we were framed for the murder of the Grand Master?" Meliodas wondered.

"sounds about right" I replied.
"Uhh merlin what gives? why would you bring us out to a place like this? Something tells me it's not for the view" Ban groaned.

"The kings vision. You do remember don't you?" Merlin asked.
" oh! The moon shimmering at midday, the low hanging fog. The seven deadly sins will gather again" i remarked.

Out of no where something giant landed on meliodas.
Diane and King appeared still sitting onto of meliodas.
" uh long time no see" King stuttered.
" are you two safe and sound?" Merlin asked.
" where the hell did you come from?" Ban wondered.

" I'm so happy to see you guys again! If only the captain was alive-

" I am alive!" He voiced.
" but under your butt" he added.

The king appeared ready to speak before Diane screamed.
" king look. It's the ghost of the captain!!"

"Uh are you listening?" The king wondered.
" in what world would a ghost be a runt like that?" Ban joked.

" long story short a bunch of stuff happened and I came back to life" meliodas closed out.

" so that's all your gonna tell us?!" King shrieked.
King apologized for something then Ban and king were mocking him about his wings.
"They finally sprouted? Congrats, now you can join the rest of the grownups around here" meliodas mocked.
" hey stop laughing! This is big moment for me you jerks" king shouted.

" something is different about you" I noticed.
" oh I told diane my feelings you could say were are connected of some how-

" not you! Diane" meliodas interrupted.
" oh that's right. I got my memories back" diane announces.

" huh?" Gowther wondered.
" they've returned? Are you certain of that?" Merlin questioned.

" but that's impossible" gowther noted.

Diane shook her head in disagreement. " there are certain memories deep inside our hearts, even if you forget them they never actually disappear" she informed.

" according to my vision-
" according to the kings vision gowther previously experienced, at some point gowther had a heart" Merlin educated.

" I have an explanation for that" Bartra says.

" king bartra?" Everyone noticed.

" I'm finally acknowledged" he huffed.
" how long were you there?" I wondered.
" don't ask" he mumbled.

He dug into his cap pulling out a glass heart.
" I found it at last. Do you remember?" He asked.
Gowther gasped before running away.

"Oh god" I sighed.
" Merlin quick! I need you to make me smaller we've got to hurry after gowther" Diane orders.

" the eight deadly sins have eight laws fourth is one of us is in danger we step up and help out as one" meliodas reminded.

We jumped down chasing after him.
Gowther hid in a corner trying to eraser his own memories before Diane caught up with him. "Power level 15,000?! Impossible" he noticed looking at Diane he ran away again.
When he went to the next corner king was there " king? 41,600?!" He was really going crazy.

" looks like they didn't need us" meliodas figured.
" guess not" me and Ban spoke.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now