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Y/n Fallflower

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Y/n Fallflower

" king!" "Ban"! We yell looking for them on hopes of them coming out soon

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" king!" "Ban"! We yell looking for them on hopes of them coming out soon. " man where did those two run off to now!" Diane asked. We all stopped and meliodas said " I don't think we're alone here"

" yeah I can sense a someone else's power" I said.

We all walked around still looking for them and Diane said. " there's no sign of them."
" maybe they got bored and went to the real world" hawks replied.

We then stopped and seen a holy knight with her hand pierced threw her chest. " who's that?" Diane asked. " beats me" I shrug.

" hello meliodas the dragon sin, how do you do Diane the serpent sin as well as you y/n the fairy queen" she said. " my name is guila, a holy knight" she added.

" wait how did you get here?" Hawks asked. " simple... by dying" she smiled.

" did this bitch just say she got here my dying?" I ask. " she sure did." Meliodas replied.
"Then that means this lady is bad news" hawk says. " afraid so" meliodas replied.

She put her sword in the air and blew hawks and Elizabeth away as me, meliodas, and Diane stood still. " hawk take Elizabeth as far as possible" Meliodas says.
Elizabeth gets on hawks back and he trots away.

Meliodas and Diane go flying into each other. " Diane the serpent sin, whom probably has the greatest strength of the sins as a giant you have a close bond with earth" guila says.
" yeah and what do you think?"Diane said
" frankly disappointing" guila added.

Diane then covered her in sand. Meliodas then throws his arm at guila and they clash together. " then we have the legendary captain of the seven deadly sins meliodas" she says.

Meliodas uses full counter at guila, "oh I see, your ability is full counter allowing you to send an attack back to the owner of the spell" she added.

I flew behind her and blew her over, deep into the ground giving her a mouth of crystal. " how's that?" I ask her. We wait for her to come back up and she does with bruises over her face " y/n you do quite live up to the rumors I've heard" she said.

"Come now all of you time to try a little harder" she said. " y/n stay back from this one" meliodas says.
" alright but I'm jumping in if it gets bad" I say at I fly up and sit on a crystal.

Diane touches the ground and lifts meliodas into the air. Meliodas and guila clash swords then Diane dives to catch her and guila exploded in her hand . " alright that's enough"I say. I fly up to her and grip her arm. " just what's your reason for coming here, and who told you where we were?" I ask her. " to annihilate the eight deadly sins and as for my lord I won't say" she replied.

" don't wanna risk both of you being killed huh?" I ask as I throw a punch, she dodges I kick her legs then put my elbow in her chest " now answer me this, did you think you alone could defeat us let alone the gorgeous goddess y/n" I say praising myself. She coughs up blood and mumbled
" shot bomb" shooting me back.

" fucking bitch" I spat. Diane and meliodas go flying back and slap a crystal. Then her sword was held behind her. " sorry about that! I'm gonna stop you right there" ban says.

" ban!" I shouted " ban the fox sin, would you kindly remove my rapier" she asked.

"Hey I take offense to that lady, I'm not touching anything" ban said.
"why would we just give you it back to you anyway?" I ask.
Ban strengthens his grip on rapier. " oh I see,This is your magical ability snatch" she said.

" very well I'll give you something appropriate for a sneak thief like you" she said and sent an explosive to ban leaving holes in his chest.

" I heard you were Indestructible but even that should leave you out for awhile" she added. Meliodas then tried to kick under feet but missed and jumped into the air after her " now now" she said sending an explosion on his back.

" you alive captain?" Ban asked.
" I am impressed your indestructibility exceeds my expectations" guila said.

" you better believe it you can't beat someone you can't kill" ban added. " I don't know about all that, I could definitely kill you if I wanted" I voiced.

"Wow so dark" ban frowned touching his heart. " haha indestructible and unbeatable are two completely different things, if I wanted you out I could defeat you in various ways" she said.

" alright who does this bitch think she is?" I ask. " damn this chick is starting to freak me out" ban says cracking his knuckles.

" think she's right though?" Meliodas asked. We all get blow away and Diane protects me and meliodas. " I'm impressed you weren't sent flying, the power of you giants is really amazing." Guila says.

" hey you two ok?" Diane asks.
" yeah thanks!" Me and meli say. " if you were gonna take the hit you could've shielded me a little" ban said.
Diane replied with no.

Ban and meliodas then start fight guila and then a spear shows up threw bans chest. Knocking guila into a crystal.

" hello there ban" kings says.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now