𝚒𝚖 𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐

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Imogen Halstead (age 6)
Word count: 660

Wills POV

             I'm stood at the kitchen sink when I hear screams coming from the living room.  I drop the cloth and immediately run towards the door.  My feet dodge the toys scattered everywhere until I reach my sister.  I kneel down in front of her and notice the blood dripping from her mouth, "I'm dying!" She squeals. I furrow my brows at her dramatics, "you're not dying, you just lost a tooth... now where is it?" I sigh. She opens her hand and I see the tiny baby tooth on the palm of her hand, "willllll..." she twines as I pick her up and remove the tooth from her hand. I sigh as I set her down on the kitchen table, before grabbing the first aid kit from beneath the sink.

"You know what happens when you lose a tooth?" I smile as she pouts sadly, clearly feeling sorry for her little self. She shakes her head, "wellll... when you go to sleep at night, we place the tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy to come and collect, and when you wake up in the morning there'll be money under your pillow instead" I place the tooth into a small zip lock bag. She gasps, "a tooth fairy?!" She beams whilst I hand her a drink to rinse her mouth out with. I nod, "yep" I raise an eyebrow. She smiles happily at that thought but she soon loses the smile when she opens her mouth to show me something, "look..." she sticks her tongue through the gap in her teeth. I sigh, "you look silly" I tickle her armpits. She giggled and squirmed until I stopped, "try not to play with it" i point to the gap in her teeth, "or it'll start hurting" I sigh.


It's around 6:55pm when jay finally walks through the door. Imogen gasps and jumps off my knee to go and show him what happened, "jay! Look! I lost a tooth! Now the tooth fairy's gonna give me money!" She jumps at his feet. Jay gasps, "oh my... you lost a tooth? Do you know what that means?" He picks her up and pokes her side. She shakes her head, "it means you gotta go to bed early so the tooth fairy can come and get your tooth sooner" he nods. I internally laugh at his remark, he will truly do anything to get her to bed...

She squeals, "Will! I gotta go to bed now!" She jumps out of jays arms. I raise an eyebrow, "well you don't have to go to bed this early..." I chuckle. She shakes her head, "no, I do have to. I need to see the tooth fairy" she whispers. I sigh, "alright well, the tooth fairy won't come until you're asleep, so you better get going then" I stand up and point to the stairs. She bolts off as I shoot jay a small eyebrow raise, "fine by me" he shrugs. I sigh as I wander up the stairs, "g'night, baby" I plant a kiss on Imogen's head after placing the tooth under her pillow. She was already in bed by the time I got to the top of the stairs. She smiles, "n'night Will" she tucks herself in.


Imogen's POV

THE TOOTH FAIRY CAME! I beam excitedly as I hold the five dollar bill in the air whilst I jump on wills bed. He groans and pulls me so I'm sat down instead, "did the tooth fairy come then?" He looks up at me. I smile, "duh" I wave the money in his face, "I'm gonna buy a kitty cat with it" I nod. Will raises an eyebrow, "are you now?" He enquires. I nod, "yeah, and I'm gonna call it cookie" I beam once again. Will sighs, "wow, I love that name" he nods. I can't wait until the tooth fairy comes again...

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