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Imogen Halstead (age 17)
Word count: 2179

Imogen's POV

They say good things come to you when you need it, not want it.  And when I tell you... I really do need it!  My life is falling apart.  My brothers seem to have their lives together and I'm stuck with no plans.  My older brother, will... well, he's in med school training to be an emergency doctor.  My twin brother, jay... he enlisted in the military, and he flies out in three months.  Then there's me...

My dad initially told me not to worry, and my mom used to tell me that good things happen to good people, so maybe it's me. Maybe I'm not good enough? I don't know. But unless I figure out what I want to do with my life, I'm a failure. 

        I'm meant to be getting ready for a house party, jays driving us there, but I can't bring myself to move from the windowsill. I find myself staring at the road outside as the rain hits the window. I don't even hear my brother enter the room, "are you going like that?" He scoffs, judgemental and sarcastic.  I ignore him, trying my best to mentally block him out.  Jay walks up to the window and practically punches my arm, "you look like a homeless person" he snickers. I shoot him a blank glare, and stand up, "go away" I ignore him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" jay taunts. I groan, "just get out!" I yell, tears already making their way down my cheeks. Jay sarcastically pauses, "woah, calm down" he raises his hands. I shake my head as he leaves my bedroom, although I can see a slight hint of concern on his face.  I slam the door in his face. Looks like I need to suck it up!


       "Don't get too drunk, I don't wanna' have to call dad to pick you up again" jay warns me.  I scoff, "that was once" I pull a face.  He raises an eyebrow, "maybe twice" I shrug. He nods before walking away, running off to join the goons he calls his friends. I sigh, looking around as I try to spot my own friends, but I don't really feel like socialising tonight. I sigh again, making my way inside as my barely alive converse hit the kitchen floor. I pour myself a drink and head out back, taking a seat on the railings around the porch. Hopefully someone feels sorry for me and starts a conversation, maybe that would be nice.


       "You're brothers pretty cool, I mean... the army? That's badass" my so-called friend chimes as she sits next to me on the grass. My best friend smiles, sensing my tension, "yeah, but you have the hots for him. Imogen's way cooler" gabby shrugs. I smile thankfully, "what're you doing after school?" Rebecca frowns. I look around, "well I haven't actually found anything yet..." I dismiss her question. She laughs weakly, "you haven't? I mean, we leave in like 2 months. We're all going college..." Rebecca raises an eyebrow. I frown, "I've applied for things, they just don't have vacancies" I look at gabby.

"Like what?" Millie perks up. I shrug, "well, I applied for the garage down the road. Uh, I applied for the police academy too but I didn't pass the entry exam. The fire academy haven't opened up their applications yet. So yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna' do" I look down. The group falls silent, "the garage? Isn't that a man's job?" Millie tilts her head, smirking slightly. I shake my head, "it's for anyone... I like cars and motorcycles" I pull a face. Rebecca nods, "well it sounds lame to me, but whatever makes you happy I guess. Uh, as long as you don't end up a jobless loser... that's all that matters" she sarcastically hums.

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