Chapter 2: The Trial

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As the morning sun came to the surface, Sam got blinded by a ray on sunlight and slowly began opening her eyes. When she got up, she grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom too take a shower and do her morning routine. As Sam entered the bathroom she jumped in the shower and cleaned herself off. As she finished up, she stepped out of the shower and put her hair up in a towel and started to brush her teeth since she could smell the morning breathe from a mile away. Once she finished that she went in got dress in a causal but not sloppy look, wearing a pair of leggings and an AC/DC shirt.

After she got dressed, she grabbed her keys and her wallet and headed too Starbucks too grab her drink before heading to the location for her trial. As she arrived at Starbucks, she ordered her usual order and decided she had a little more time to kill so she would sit in the car and eat her food and sip on her drink. After some time, she finished her drink and started up her car again and headed towards location 3 for her trial and her money.

As she pulled into the buildings parking lot, she felt a sudden emotion of sadness, like she felt like some bad things happened here, but she slowly shrugs that off and found a parking spot and got out and headed to the door that said Entrance. When she grabbed the door handle, she once again felt the flood of sadden emotion rush through her body again, once more shrugging it off she opens the door and enters the building. Stepping into the building Sam looked around and observed the area, there was a long white desk by the door with "Syntec" labeled across the wall of the desk with a beautiful young lady behind it typing away at her computer. 

"Hi, welcome too Syntec where we own the future, what brings you in today?" the lady asked as she stood up. "I'm here for my trial for the serum advertisement i saw" Sam said as the words flowed out of her mouth. The lady who Sam identified by her name tag named Autumn Hill asked for her name and then told her to sit in the waiting room with a clipboard and to fill out some information. After Sam filled out the info on the clipboard, she handed it back too autumn and sat back down looking at a magazine that was on the side table in the room.

Moments later a semi tall, dark hair, Caucasian man walks out the door looks into the waiting room and locks eyes with Sam "you must be Sam Fekete" the man says with a soft smile. "Yes, that is me...." standing up and looking at his name tag ".... Wesley Nathaniel" Sam said continuing her sentence. She walks through the door and was directed over to a scale where she was weighed. Wesley then walked her over to a room and sat her on the patients table and started strapping her in. "Is all this really needed for a simple shot in the arm?" Sam asked feeling a bit claustrophobic and tight. "Very much so its Protocall" Wesley proclaimed and then picked up a needle that was way longer than one Sam ever seen before. Sam began to get massively scared "WOAHHH hold on I didn't know it was going to be that big, I don't know about th-" The room fell silent as the needle pierced Sam's skin and Sam soon fell into a sleeping coma.

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