Chapter 3: The serum kicks in

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After about 3 hours Sam wakes up and feels dizzy but different, she looks around the room and realizes she is not in the patient room that she was in before passing out. she can't remember much of what happen except that she was at Syntec to get the vaccine. She began to look around the room and notice that the room she was in was actually pretty cozy. It had a big queen size bed and a desk with some computers, on the other side was a door to a bathroom and a closet. She felt like it was dressed up like an apartment. 

As she was walking around and explore the room the latch on a hard metal door clicked and opened, a women entered the room and walked over to Sam with a tray of food that too Sam's Suprise was actually edible looking. As Sam took the tray of food, she looked over the women bringing it in and noticed she had smooth blonde hair and green eyes that almost looked like emeralds with the light beaming on them, Sam felt a need to ask, "what am I doing here? I took my serum shot let me go home!"

The women were walking out the door and when hearing this and turned around and looked at Sam dead in her eyes. Sam was able to see her name tag once she turned around reading Deborah. The lady removed a face mask, which gave Sam a chance to see she had tears in her eyes, and spoke "you are sadly compromised, this is your new home now". Sam stood there frozen. her muscles wanted to move, her lips wanted to speak but nothing was happening, it wasn't until she noticed the lady trying to point out something on Sam's food tray that she noticed a piece of paper. Picking up the paper she opened it and noticed it was a note saying that she could help her get out of this place, but her life would never be the same and if she agreed to nod her head, reading this she didn't know what to do but knew she didn't want to stay here because something seemed off about this place. She nodded her head and with no response The blonde hair green eyed lady walked out of the room and Sam was alone in her room curious what was next she was suppose too do as she munch down on her food....

Sam definitely could tell the serum was in her body as it took toll on her breathing sometimes but also made her feel weak. Over the time of months 2 people always attended too Sam's needs it was either Deborah, which told Sam too call her Deb, For anything Female related stuff. Then for company, Sam got too talking to the dark-haired man gone by the name of Benjamin Colbalt, the only appearance that Sam saw of Benjamin was his hair because he always wore this mask on his face that she later found out it was keeping him alive. Over time Ben and Sam became really good friends with the amount of time they were together for company, every day seemed like a repeat and the days and weeks got lost into a voided repeat daily, it wasn't until one very full moon night that everything for Sam came to a massive change.

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