Chapter 1: Life before Syntec

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Sam was always the quirky, typical white girl kind of girl growing up, she always had a routine which consisted of grabbing Starbucks and listening to music. From an outside person's point of view Sam always seemed so happy in life and always had a "life is perfect" kind of attitude. The truth was Sam was struggling! She was working 2 jobs just too keep the bills paid, plus she was Part of a local acting group. acting was always something she wanted too do, she even once met with a agency and had a full interview but never signed a contract, acting was her one ticket out of the struggle she was so deeply in, or so she thought.....

As Sam got her morning Starbucks order she was listening too some music when she noticed a commercial on the Restaurants TV about a message from Syntec a local biotech lab needing patients too experiment their serum on. She read on the screen how each trail the patients would receive 5 grand payout for help and time. Sam was thrilled! so could imagine what she would use that money for right now. As she dialed the number on the screen and put the phone up too her ear she heard 3 rings and a lady answered the phone. 

"Syntec Labs, my name is Autumn Hill, how can I help you?" the lady spoke across the phone. By the end of the phone call she scheduled her first trial for tomorrow. Sam continued with her day and got back too her apartment and ate some dinner and got into her cozy Queen size bed excited for her first trial, little did she know her whole life was about too change forever!

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