chapter 18 - nothing

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TW: strong language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, mentions of gore and death, and mentions of running away in case that triggers you

My whole life was normal up until a few years ago. My brother's best friend went missing and there were clues everywhere, proving he was alive, but not in Hawkins. The town had a whole different world under it that was way worse than Hawkins could ever be and we called it the upside down. I have lost so much to it, and sometimes I have nightmares about what happened at the old Star Court mall.

I had made friends throughout the journey, but I've also lost so many and I thought that I was finally free... but turns out I was wrong.

It was the next morning when I arrived in Hawkins. The closer I got, the more clear I could hear Dustin and Max through the static in the walkie-talkie.

They had told me how to get to a certain place, out by the lake.

When I got there, I knocked before walking in, seeing everyone in the back of the broken down boat house.

The first person who caught my eye was Eddie. He was sitting there, drinking a beer, and eating cereal straight out of the box.

"Thank god y/n!" Robin ran over and hugged me.

"Can someone please explain to me what's going on." I said.

"Well... Chrissy died last night, and we think it's from a the upside down." Dustin said, his voice breaking.

"But...Eleven closed the last gate." My voice broke.

"That's just it...we think there might be another gate." He said, before Eddie cut in.

"Gate? Eleven? Can someone explain this shit to me?" Eddie looked at me.

"Eddie, tell y/n what happened at your house with Chrissy." Steve said.

His house with Chrissy? What the fuck? I rolled my eyes and looked away, listening to Eddie.

"Well...she was getting drugs off of me, then her eyes went white, and she started to float...then her bones something was inside of her, pulling her apart!" His voice cracked as he was holding back tears.

I looked at Dustin before walking over to Eddie and sitting next to him. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's not your fault, okay? I'm sorry." I looked at him.

"I didn't know what to I did what I do now... I ran. And I left her there." Eddie was on the verge of tears.

He ran like I ran. I genuinely felt bad for Eddie but I didn't want to stress me or him out by forgiving him so quickly. In my mind, I thought myself out to be problematic, and stupid. But I couldn't help but also think about how Eddie feels right now after witnessing Chrissy's...death.

"Jason's been chasing him. They all think he murdered her." Dustin said.

"Uh...can you guys like give me a second?" I asked as they all nodded and walked off, leaving me and Eddie alone.

"I'm sorry y/n." His voice echoed.

"No, I'm sorry." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You have every reason to not like me right now, and I know this might sound crazy but...I think I'm in love with you." I said.

He grabbed my hand, kissing it like I was a princess.

"I can't blame you. I'd run away too if I had the chance. I mean, I guess I already did." He quietly laughed.

"y/n, I think I might be in love with you too." He smiled at me.

I looked up at him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek before everyone barged back in with a panic.

"Jason and his boys are here, we need to go to the lake." Dustin said, as me and Eddie quickly pulled apart.

"Eddie. Steve. Can you guys get us a boat and we'll have Lucas distract Jason?" Nancy said, as they nodded and went off.

We snuck out through the back, placing the boat on the water.

Only a few people could get in, so me, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Steve got in.

Nancy then started to talk about about a portal that should be in the middle of the lake, so we rowed there.

"Who's going to swim down?" I asked.

"I will." Steve said, as he took off his shirt. Man, he had so much chest hair, and I could feel Eddie staring at me the whole time.

Just then, I noticed Patrick swimming in the lake, but suddenly, his bones started to how Chrissy was described. His eyes went white, and suddenly he dropped. Holy fucking shit.

I gasped and started to breath heavily, staring at Patrick.

Suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my waist, and looked beside me to see a look of sorry on Eddie's face.

I was holding back tears as Eddie hugged me tightly.

"It'll be alright, okay?" His voice echoed over the lake.

Then, Steve dove down and came back up, only to get pulled down again. Everyone panicked and jumped in, following Steve.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Eddie yelled before jumping in, me after him.

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