The conflict

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Italy's POV:

  I couldn't get why Germany was so mad, and why was he acting so mean to Greece. I stared directly into his bright brown hazel eyes, and noticed he had a red spot into his left eye, but I didn't really care about that.
  "Italy don't do that!! There's no need to fight please!" Greece got between us and tried to stop the tension between me and Germany.
  "I don't care who he is, but no one can hurt you" I said as I was trying to calm down and not punch him into his pathetic face. To my surprise, instead of fighting back he just fixed his posture into a straight one, then started smirking:
  "Well well~ So now you're trying to act like a brave and strong man, Italy?" Then he walked slowly and confident around us forgetting there were other countries watching. "You, my "best friend" just said you don't care who I am?" He giggled "Don't worry, I'll remember that, and I'm gonna make you suffer the most exactly in the moment you don't expect that."
He sounded creepy. What was the matter with him?

  "You can't do anything to me, Germany." I said trying to seem calm enough, being aware of my temper tho.
  "Come on, homie, I already got it."
  "What did you get?" I asked a bit sweating
  "Haha! You and this stupid old man like eachother. You like him so much that now you act like his bodyguard."
Greece flinched and looked at both of us. Bloody hell! I didn't want him to know! And how did Germany guess that, he ruined all my plans!
  "I don't need any bodyguard I'm ok on my own don't you worry. You should learn how to control yourself" Greece said irritated.
  "Aww how lovely, that's exactly how weak people act when someone tells them this! Little Greecey likes big and strong Italy back?~ you two are so cute. Cute enough to make me throw up, especially you" he turned his look to me.

  How could he do this to me! I never thought he could be so.. so evil.
  "Stop it, Germany" I tried to end the conversation.
He changed his look to the time, he seemed like he was waiting for something. I took my time to look around and the others were minding their business and some of them weren't even there anymore. We're they scared? No, maybe they just thought it's a problem between us and should solve it on our own.
  "Fine, I'll stop, if you apologize.'' Now this was it. What did I need to apologize for?!
  "What do you mean apologize? For what! You made all this scandal!" I shouted.
  "For thinking you can just hide it and ignoring me. In the name of Jesus, Italy! You can't tell me you just didn't stop caring about me! And you know you we're the only one who was talking to me."
That wasn't true, my brother, France was talking to him as well! And why can't he understand that I really couldn't answer his messages.
  "Ger, I won't apologize. I couldn't answer your texts seriously" I hoped he'd end this.
  "Tsk, you'll never agree, huh? You're an asshole. A dumb and pathetic jerk who only used me! HEY EVERYONE!! CHECK THIS OUT!"
  Without my observation, the entrance door slowly opened. I knew what Germany tried to do, and he crossed the line, I couldn't control myself.. And I punched him in the face hard.

  He fell down holding his bleeding nose. From the door someone gasped. I looked to see who was the mysterious person, and my face dropped. It was France who just entered the room. Now everything made sense, Germany did this on purpose!
  "Italy what the hell?!! Why did you punch him!!!" He grabbed the one who was dramatically getting up. And to my fear, he even teared.
  "I-Italy.. How could you do something like this.. " then he sniffed. I looked at Greece and he mumbled something madly.
  "France I swear it's not what it looks like- he made me do it.."
  "Shut up! You know how sick he was and you punch him like that?! I thought you two were best friends!"
  "No.. It's okay.. It's my fault after all.." Then he stared at the floor innocently.
  "I am very disappointed of you, Italy" France severely told me.
  It was useless to try to defend myself. I just went back to my seat, with Greece. Without saying anything or making eye contact with him, but I looked at Germany one more time. He started at me smirking behind France's back. He was smart.
I immediately looked at Greece, and he seemed disturbed...
  "Greece, hey.. I'm sorry for everything.." I whispered"
He just nodded. I was in trouble.
"Do you... still want to hang out later?" I asked with a bit of hope in my eyes.
  "No, maybe he's right... You should spend more time with him, I'm ok on my own" he said while looking away.

  No.. No NO NO! I can't believe this! Everything was ruined!
  Soon EU arrived, and everyone sat in their places and the meeting began. I looked a bit around, and saw how Germany was still acting like a helpless puppy with my brother.. Disgusting. I couldn't believe what just happened, but something was clearly wrong with him.
After the meeting ended, everyone sat up, and still worried I rushed to Greece hoping that maybe I can fix the awkward situation.
  "Greece, wait! You actually care about what he says? Please don't listen to him.."
  "No, I care...You heard what he said. I don't want to be seen as.. week, and helpless. I don't want you to be seen like s ridiculous bodyguard"
  Does that mean?...
  "But...You know it's not true.. please Greece I'm sorry" I still kept trying
  "I don't know, Italy. I really don't   know" Then he looked a bit around.
  "We will discuss about this later, I need to go home now"
  Yes! So that meant I still had a chance? Maybe at least I could fix the problem with him. I nodded and then we said goodbye to eachother. I walked back to my table, and took my things then gave a look to Germany's place to see if he was still there. He was, and so was France too, they we're whispering to eachother. Tsk, they can think whatever they want, I don't care as long as I know I'm the one who's right anyways.

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