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Prussia's POV:

   It's been months since I started training my great grandson. He's growing stronger and he doesn't seem to appreciate it very much, but that doesn't really matter. I just wanted to help him.Tsk.
  My plan is going very well, it's exactly how it should be, after that meeting he had a fight with Italy, I made him... I mean he made himself stay away from Italy, and for sure from other pathetic people like him too. It seems like everyone doesn't see him like a sensitive little boy anymore. Whilst watching him through the day, I did notice that some countries froze upon seeing him. Well, they did appear to be disturbed by his presence and they'd stop any ongoing conversation before looking at him with.. What's the word... Respect, right!
    Tonight we have another training session. After he fell asleep I invocated him here, where the sun never rises, it's always stuck in a bloody sky and here's no water, or food, only darkness.

   "Ah! There you are, my sweet great grandson~" I said trying to force a smile to give him... Something called affection. I still need to make him believe I'm a good person, then I approached. "How was your day? I saw you did some new things" I said as I smirked.
   He didn't seem too happy. I forgot here he is his truly self. We'll work on that too, but in the living world he's his new self, controlled by me of course.
    "I don't know what to say... I really hate how I'm acting to my friends, I should be a good person and be respected for this.. Not for being an intimidating guy..." Germany answered nervously.
   How ungrateful. He will see it will be good to have so much power.
    "Come on, Ger. What's happening right now it's for your own good, I promise~ Plus that now, doesn't it feel SO good to have so much power over everyone" I went behind him and grabbed his shoulder "to walk into a room and everyone is afraid to insult you!" I walked then past him and rised my hand in the air "to be so respected and FEARLESS!" I looked at my hand as I was bearing my fist, then smiled evily.
".... I'm not sure, maybe you're right?" He looked at me with more convincement. YES! I gained his trust.
    "Yeah, that's the spirit, soon you will be able to control all those freaks!!!" I said without thinking before.
    "To what?" He flinched and stared at me.
    "It's another way to say make them... Control themselves from being jerks to you" I tried to save myself, and it worked, he nodded in agreement.
    "Good. Now it's time to start your training, tonight will be third night when I teach you how to properly fight, you already learned how to damage them psychologically. And I'm proud of you''
    His face lighted a bit when I said those words. He probably never heard these words before.
    " Ok, now show me your best moves" I said as I unexpectedly punched him in the face, but to my surprise this time he didn't get hit. Not only that he dodged, but he grabbed my arm before I could get to hurt his face then pulled it away as he tried kicking my stomach, but of course, he didn't manage to do it since he was still a beginner.
  We kept fighting, and he kept surprising me eachtime I tried a new move. Tonight, he was able to defend himself from every move I was doing. He still didn't manage to hurt me tho, only that he stepped on my foot, irritating me very much but I calmed myself before overreacting.
  "Hah! Good job young man! Fight is over." I said as I fixed my posture and stood straight. He catched his breath and smiled at me and nodded. Then without hesitation he punched me hard in the belly. I really didn't expect that!
   "TAKE THAT! I mean.. You said I should never trust what the enemy says, and let off guard, right?" He said as he looked a bit worried that he managed to hit me. I was.. amazed! I fixed my posture again and smiled back to him proudly.
    "Well done!! I didn't expect that, Ger. You totally listened to me and now look, you hit me!" I said as I patted his shoulder friendly.
    Before ending his visit, I taught him more about the psychological defense, and damage, then sent him back to the living world. I didn't keep him more than 4 hours here, he still needed to rest and sleep, since in the real world he had to take care of his psychical power.
   I looked around and realized that now I still had to wait, as everynight and day. It was horrible being stuck here, and I know I never deserved to be sent here, in hell. I never did anything wrong but now I'm going to take revenge, especially on that brat who killed and betrayed me.

   I saw a little light coming from the place where Germany usually comes here, that meant the sun was rising in the living world. I blinked with my left eye and let the red light come out to escape to Germany's world and get into his left eye, so I can control him. But there was someone I needed to have an eye on too, Italy. He seemed to observe my light from his eyes and it wasn't good, I couldn't let that pathetic creature find out what's actually happening. But for now, it's time for Germany to wake up.

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