Third period<33

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In third period you had a test that was pretty easy besides one question it had you stumped but you heard Finn whisper "4." You looked at him. "It's 4 for that question." You copied it down and thanked him when you sat back down. "No problem." He replied. That class went by quickly since you and Finn were both reading. You tapped his shoulder and asked. He looked at you. "Do you wanna trade books?" You asked in a hushed voice. "Sure that seems fun." You both traded but made sure keep each other's place. The bell ring and you both marked the others page and your own page. "Well Finn w-we don't have next period together so see you later." "Bye bye y/n." You looked around for help finding your next class when You felt a hand tap your shoulder. It was a boy with ginger hair and freckles. "Do you need help going to your class?" He asked you with a small smile "Yes please." He motioned for his two friends to follow Finn but you didn't know. "So have you liked today so far?" He asked. "Yeah it hasn't been that bad so far." "That's good,here's our stop. Thank you." You went to sit with Robin but the boy gently grabbed your wrist. "Sit with me please?"He asked . You looked at Robin with an apologetic look and sat. You were watching the teacher explain something on the board when the ginger slipped you a note. "How do you stop a bull from charging?" The note read " I don't know how?" you wrote back. "Cancel its credit card duh" you both giggled softly. " ok dad What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?" "Idk what'd he say?" He wrote. "Where's popcorn?" You both giggled slightly louder causing Robin to look at you. You both shushed each other through giggles "My kid is blaming me for ruining their birthday which is ridiculous" "why's it ridiculous?" You asked. "I didn't even know it was today." You stifled a laugh and The teacher started to turn around but you both seemed to be fully focused. "Alright class the bells gonna ring soon so pack up." Just as the two of you finished up the bell rang. "Well bye it was nice talking to you!" "Yea it was here's my number call me some time." And he left, the two of you flushed.

&quot;Hermoso&quot; Finney blake x y/n Arellano Where stories live. Discover now