The dream<33

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You,Robin,and Gwen walked home together cautiously still fearful of the van.
Byee gweny! Bye gwen. Bye bye Y/n,Robin! When you got home you still had a slight headache. You took some pain medication and read. You were reading till something a deep crimson caught your eye. Your knuckles were bleeding. It looked like a scene taken straight from a book. You went to clean your knuckles up and to bandage them. You went back to reading when your tio knocked on your bedroom door. Hola tio! Hola mijita how was school are you hungry? School was fun and yea a bit. Well I made tacos de birria if you wanna come down and it them with me and Robin? You smiled and giddily followed him to the dining room. Tio? Que? Did y/n tell you what she did at school? No what did you do? It was badass! Robin said proudly. Some kid was talking mierda about my friend who went missing and I was fed up so I asked to stop and shoved him. Your tio looked at you interested in your story. It made you happy that someone cares since most times you'd tell a story or share something you like you'd be asked to stop or told your annoying. Then he tried to smack me so I fought back. I'm proud of you for standing up for you and your novio. You flushed. Robin and your tio laughed. You looked down at your plate but you had slightly bled through the bandages. Shit. You got up to re wrap your knuckles. Where are you going? You showed them your hands. I'll help you wrap them. Your tio cleaned up your knuckles and re wrapped them tightly so they would last longer. You know? Mm? Your just like your mom. How? When she was your age she wouldn't take anyones bs,weather they were bigger,stronger,older she wouldn't care. He told you stories of him and your mom when they were younger. Times like these were the times you wished you could writ on paper to keep forever. When you all finished dinner you helped clean. You finished the last dish and let out a small yawn. I'm gonna go to bed tio. Ok goodnight hermosa I love you. Love you to tio thank you for dinner. You gave him a small hug and went up to your room. Before you went to bed you went to robins room. Goodnight Robin love you. Love you to now go get some sleep you need it. You fell asleep and had a weird dream. That was like no other. It was Finn he was in a basement knees together with his arms wrapped around his legs humming a song. You knew the song instantly it was "adios amor" He tried singing it but couldn't. God I miss Y/n so much. I miss how she speaks Spanish,I miss how she smell,how she looks so peaceful reading,I miss all of her I just want to go home. He let out a soft cry and your dream ended there. You jolted awake with just a few minutes left before you had to get up. You got dressed and called Gwen. Pick up pick up please. H-hello. She let out a small yawn. GWEN I HAD A DREAM! ME TOO! That has to mean something right? Of course it does. And he's still alive which is good. Finns strong he's gonna be ok. I know he will but I got to finish getting ready bye gwen see you later. no reply. Gwen? Gwen you there? Still no reply. GWEN WAKE UP! AHH IM UP! You laughed at the girl. Go get ready gweny. Byee Y/n! Bye!
You finished getting ready and went to get something to drink or eat. You saw some agua fresca (spa water 😝😜🤪😋🫢🤭💅 jk) you got some to take to school.
You tied your shoes and read till you had to leave. You finished your book and what was at the end made your heart break into a million pieces. " to the most beautiful girl named Y/n Arellano, you're so sweet and caring. I love you so much baby. Thank you for making me one of the happiest boys alive! — love Finn<33"
You felt a single tear fall down your cheek. You wiped your face and went to get robin to leave. Robin let's go to school.
Alright let's go. You left the book on the couch. Byee tio love you! You and Robin shouted. Byee nińos love you be safe!
Everything felt better.
Good morning my lovelies I hope you had amazing sleep! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I might not update for like an hour tho :(. Love you guys byee! <33

&quot;Hermoso&quot; Finney blake x y/n Arellano Where stories live. Discover now