The murmurs part 2</3

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You did your normal morning routine but when you went to check on Robin he wasn't in bed. You ran downstairs in a panic but found Robin eating breakfast. You let out a sigh of relief. Good morning Robin do you feel better? "Yea a lot better." He replied while chewing. That's good are you gonna go to school? You asked curious. "No I'm just dressed and have my shoes on to sleep." He said sarcastically. You roll you eyes and go to your room to get your backpack. Alright Robin let's go. "Alright one sec" he said as he got up and put his dishes away. You guys left the house and Finn was there waiting for you and Robin with Gwen. Good morning Gwen! Good morning Y/n! Hi Finn! You said but before he could reply you went back to talking to gwen. You two were laughing and chatting the whole way to school tuning out the rest of the world. It was times like this that you and Gwen wanted to freeze. "We're at school now." Robin announced. "Aww bye y/n,Robin,and Finn." Bye bye gwen! "Bye Gwen have a good day!" Finn said giving her hug. "Bye gwen." Robin said giving her a wave. You and Finn parted ways with Robin to go to first period. The whole way there you two got looks. What happened is there something on my face? You asked Finn. "No is there something on mine?" He asked confused. Nope. "Then what are they looking at?" He asked and you just shrugged. The two of you just ignored everyone else for as long as you could before someone threw a note to Finn, " was she any good or was  she sloppy?". "What do you mean?" Finn asked confused. "When she gave you head in the restroom why else would she be in there with you?". Finn showed you the note and you were livid. Throughout the whole day you got notes on your desk shaming you for something you didn't do. It frustrated you because you had no idea who was writing the notes till you got an idea. You pulled Todd's note out from your backpack and the hand writing was identical. You let out a little gasp that robin and Finn heard. When Robin saw the two notes he was furious. "Who wrote these notes?" He asked. Todd did. You said upset. Finns eyebrows furrowed.
When school was over you went over to Todd. What the hells your problem I'm done with you and your bullshit! I don't care unless are you here to s-the loud crack of a smacking sound cut him off. It went silent. He roughly grabbed your wrist. He was going to say something to you but didn't get to due to Robin standing behind you. "Is everything ok Y/n what's going on?" Just them acting like putos so same ol same Ol. "ve a esperar con gwen y finn." Robin said giving Todd a glare. You walked away to Gwen and Finn. "He's gonna get his shit rocked."Gwen blankly said. You saw Todd push Robin back which was the worst thing he could've done. Robin swung at him hitting him straight in the nose. Then he kicked him in the stomach knocking him down. He finished up with a few swings to the face. Gwen and you were cheering him on the whole time, though she was a lot louder. "Don't fuck with any of my friends again ever,You hear me?" Robin asked Todd. Todd let out a pathetic nod and Robin walked over to you guys before saying "Alright we can go now." You,Gwen,and Finn followed Robin home and continued on past conversation normally.

&quot;Hermoso&quot; Finney blake x y/n Arellano Where stories live. Discover now