Fifth period </3

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You saw Finn in your fifth period alone so you sat with him. The whole class he was standoffish. You noticed he had a bruise on his chin and a busted lip. "Finn what happened?" You said as you softly moved your thumb over his lip. "Like you'd even care" He scoffed and went back to writing. You asked to use the restroom and just sat there the whole period why was he upset?Once the bell rang and you went back to get your bag the teacher called you over. "What happened are you ok honey?" "Y-Yeah I just don't feel all to well." You stuttered hoping she'd buy it. "Oh then here's a nurse pass you can stay there till next bell!" She said with a smile though the stutter gave you away. "Really thank you so much miss" you said great full of her kindness. "No problem dear feel better soon." You went to the nurses office and just picked at your thumbs. It went by way faster then you wanted. When you heard the next bell you said bye to the nurse and thanked her. You sat down alone in your last period. Then Finn and Robin walked in. Robin sat next to you and Finn sat down too just far from you and Robin. You were halfway through your class when you remembered about Todd. You suddenly smiled and the rest of the class went by quickly. When the bell rang you excitedly packed up and went to the school's exit/entrance. And there he was waiting for you. "Hii Todd." "Hi y/n!"he greeted. "So what do you wanna tell me?" You asked full of curiosity. "I know it's kinda soon but do you want to go out with me?" "O-of course I would!" you stuttered since he was the first boy to ask you out. "Here's my number in case you lost the other one" And he left,but not before giving you a peck on the cheek. A peck that both Robin and Finn saw.

&quot;Hermoso&quot; Finney blake x y/n Arellano Where stories live. Discover now