The kiss<3

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"That was so much fun he was so sweet what was Robin talking about?" You thought while unlocking the door. "Robin I'm home!" You called out but were met with no reply. "Robin? Finney?" You went up to robins door and knocked.Finney answered. "Oh hi is Robin here." "No he went out to get me something since my stomach hurts" Finney said "Oh alright I hope you feel better soon". "Thank you y/n" He replied his face threatened to twist into a smile. You left to your room and took off your shoes while thinking of how to unwind. You were about to change but there was a knock on your bedroom door. You put your clothes in record time. "Come in!" You said. It was Finney. "Sorry if I disturbed you but here's your book back" he said. "Thank you Finney" You two looked at each other's eyes for a bit before he slowly moved his head and lips closer to yours. You kissed back softly before he walked you two to your bed sitting you on his lap. He pulled away to look at you. "I know I should've told you earlier but I think I like you" he said his cheeks painted a soft pink. "I think I like you too Finney" you said flushed almost as pink as him. "Call me Finn". You giggled, "so Finn or F-Finney?" you asked with a smile. "Finn" He said smiling back at you. "Alright then Finn" You kissed him softly on the lips again. Before pulling away. "Why'd you stop?" He softly whined. "I need to get change, unless you w-wanna stay?" You asked smirking softly. He got flushed and was a stuttering mess. Before he could answer you both heard the front door open. You gave him a quick peck and he rushed to robins room. You began to change into your pjs thinking of the kiss. It wasn't forced or anything it like perfection. He looked so beautiful with you on his lap,lips plump and glossed,face a soft pink color. He was so perfect.

i'm editing again after like the fifth time i'm sorry loves 😭

&quot;Hermoso&quot; Finney blake x y/n Arellano Where stories live. Discover now