Lossing to much

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I know it's been forever since my last update I've just been busy but I should be back now so here's a chapter you yea.



Jack stayed in his seat staring at the empty wall feeling every heart beat, he didn't understand why he was feeling this way about Alex, his best friend he can like whoever he wants but there was something inside Jack that didn't want that to be true. He let out a frustrated sigh as Cassadee walked in looking around the room. Jack refused to look up at her.

"Hey Jack, have you seen Rian?" She asked.

Jack shook his head not wanting to talk to her, he knew he was being childish but at this moment he really didn't care he was feeling jealous that she seemed to know Alex's most personal secret and didn't. Cassadee sat down next to the pouting Jack.

"What's wrong?" She asked him placing her hand on his shoulder in a confort way. Jack shrugged her away not wanting her to touching him. "What's got you all pissy?" She then asked him staring the side of his face.

"Who does Alex like?" He asked ignoring all her questions.

Cassadee looked at him with a shocked face. "Um I don't know." She said backing away from him slightly.

"Don't bullshit me Cass! He told me he liked someone but wont tell me who he also said you knew so tell me!" He cried in a desperate manor.

"Look Jack I don't really think this is my place to tell you, if Alex wanted you to know then he would of told you." She said feeling guitly by the look on her friends face.

He let out a sigh, "You're right sorry I was being all pissy, it's just killing me that he wont tell me, he's like my brother me and him aren't suppose to have secrets, I tell him everything." He said running his fingers throw his long brown hair.

"Have you? What about Scarlet?" Cassadee asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's different I was gonna tell him at the right tim I was just waiting to see if me and her would have a future." He said looking at her face.

"Look Jack I know you don't like him keeping this from you but some secrets are better kept unsaid." She said looking away from him not letting anything slip.

"Do we know the guy?" Jack asked leaning a little closer to Cassadee getting suspicious.

Cassadee bit her lower lip. "We do." Was her short reply.

"Are we friends with the guy?" Jack then asked with a rasied eyebrow of his own.

Cassadee nodded her head feeling nervous now, she didn't want Jack to find out that would just kill his and Alex's relationship.

"Then I should know this!" Jack cried looking away from her.

"Look Jack don't stress to much about this, when the time is right you may find out who but that is up to Alex to tell." She said getting from her seat and making her way out of the room.

Jack stayed in the same place thinking over every guy that he was friends with and trying to see if Alex had been acting werid around any of them, so far there was none he could think of either that or Alex is good at hiding his feelings. The only person he was acting werid around was him but Jack quickly tossed that thought away, there was no way his best friend had a crush on him.

"This is killing me." He whispered to himself as Alex himself walked into the room.

"Jack you haven't moved in a few hours." He said pointing out the obvious.

"Why can't you just tell me? It's driving me insane! Is this payback for me not telling you about Scarlet? Cause if it is i'll be pissed!" Jack cried getting to his feet so he would be standing in Alex's face.

"Jack it isn't payback, I just can't tell you." Alex said backing away.

"Why can't you tell me?" He asked moving closer cornering poor Alex in.

"I just... can't." Alex said looking anywhere but Jack's face, he couldn't bare to see the look he was giving him.

"Why?" Jack whinned like a little girl not getting the doll she wanted.

"Because if I tell you it might ruin our friendship!" Alex cried lossing it.

Jack looked taken back. "How would it?" He asked after a second.

Alex stared at the ground not really knowing what he could say to get himself out of this, "It just will." He said sounding kind of desperate to get out of this.

"I want a straight forward answer Alex." He said placing both arms around him caging him in. Alex had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide his eyes grew wide as he stared at Jack who looked like he was about to go crazy.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" Alex asked.

"You're my best friend! We tell each other everything and I hate that you wont tell me, and if it's gonna ruin our friendship then I want to know now rather then later." Jack said in a stern voice.

"Jack please don't make me do this." Alex pleaded feeling himself start to sweat.

"Is it to much to tell your best fucking friend who it you like! Seriously Alex it's just a crush why can't you just tell me? I know you're worried it will ruin our friendship but lets me real it will take a lot to do that, you're my brother please just tell me." Jack begged.

"You wont want to be my friend after you find out." Alex whispered looking back at the ground.

"Yes I will." Jack said softly making Alex look back up at him.

"You wont I know you wont, and I really don't want to put the band at risk." Alex said thinking of the worst possible situations that could come of if he told Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Whatever Alex, maybe we aren't the best friends everyone thinks we are, friends like you and I don't keep secrets like this." He said relasing him from the cage and walking out of the room.

"Jack!" Alex cried as he watched him leave the room.

Alex wanted to tell him but there was just too much he could lose if he did All Time Low being one, Jack didn't understand that. He slid down to the ground putting his head in his knees trying to keep himself from crying he had a feeling that there was just as much to lose if he didn't tell Jack who he liked, their friendship being one.


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