It's what I want

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Today has been a very busy day for me my dad is redoing my room! I'm really happy about this I guess it's an extremely late birthday gift.  I wanted to write this chapter I'm really excited for it! Enjoy!


It's me is isn't it? The guy you like, it's me?" Jack asked in a shaky voice.

Alex's body froze as his blood went cold. "W-what?" He stuttered barely looking up to meet Jack's eyes.

"Don't play dumb Alex, you like me that expains why you said this guy could ruin our friendship you were worried that if you told me you liked me it would make me not want to be your friend but come Alex nothing can ruin this relationship and I told you that. " Jack said grabbing a hold of his friends face forcing him to look up at him. "You're still my best friend no matter what." He said watching Alex's face go from worried to shocked then to a look of disappointment. "What's wrong?" Jack questioned.

"Nothing." Alex said taking his face away from Jack's hands so he could turn away.

"Don't nothing me, tell me wants bothering you." Jack demanded.

Alex let out a sigh. " I like you as more than a friend Jack, I like you so fucking much but you just proved to me that you don't like me back, you only see me as a friend, i'm friendzoned." He said still looking away from the other boy.

"Look Alex," Jack started to say before Alex cut him off by standing up from the ground.

"I get it, you don't like me like that, you don't need to say it." He said about to walk away before Jack caught him by the arm.

"Wait don't walk away like this." Jack said pulling him back now fearing the worst for their relationship.

Alex stayed where he was but refused to turn around he didn't want to face Jack right now after all he did just get rejected. Jack placed his hand Alex's shoulder, "I have a girlfriend I can't just leave her for someone else just because they tell me they like me." He said feeling guilty at his own words.

"I understand that it just sucks." Alex said walking away again this time making it out leaving Jack by himself.

Jack felt like shit for this, a part of him should of known that he was Alex's crush all of the signs were there only if he had opened his eyes sooner, the big question that was now filling his head was even if he did find out before he had Scarlet would he of went for it? The kisses him and Alex shared on stages always did have meanings behind them but would he be willing to be in a out in the open relationship with his friend? He never really thought about being in a relationship with another man, he always was just with girls. Yeah he's thought about it but that was quickly gone as soon as he found some pretty girl to be with. He knew he wasn't gay he couldn't be but what about being bisexual? That was a huge possiblity.

He sat down at the couch that was placed over by the wall, he didn't know what he was going to do things were now going to be awkward for the rest of the tour, now he understood when Alex said that it could also ruin ATL but he wasn't going to let that happen, this band has been through too much to get lost in a fight over hormones. He loved this band and couldn't picture himself doing anything else, he needed to get this right with Alex but there wasn't a way to do that unless Alex finds someone else or he leaves Scarlet but he didn't like either of those options. He loved Scarlet he knows he does but then there is the fact that he doesn't like the idea of Alex being with anyone else, call him jealous but that was they he felt.

"Jack?" He heard a female voice.

He looked up to see Cassadee who looked worried and somewhat upset. "What?" He asked looking back down at the ground as she sat down next to him.

"I guess you found out who the guy was.." She said looking at the side of his face. "Alex told me what happened, he's upset right now just give him time." She added when Jack said nothing.

Jack looked over at her "I don't think this is something either one of us can get over in the matter of days Cass, I don't know what to do." He said feeling guilty again.

"It can be simple do you like him back?" She asked moving some of hair out of her face.

"I don't know if I like him like that.." He said feeling awkward.

Cassadee nodded her head "How do you feel when you guys kiss on stage?" She then asked him.

"It feels good?" Jack said in more of a question than a statement.

"Good how? Do you feel the spark, like you're on cloud nine?" She asked him moving a bit closer while studying his face.

"I don't know Cass! It feels good like I want to do it again!" He cried standing up looking down at her.

"Than go do it." She said with a slight smirk.

"I can't do that to him." Jack said calming down somewhat.

"Just try it you need to figure out your feelings why not try it with a kiss?" She asked him standing up as well.

"It would be wrong." Jack said looking back at her.

"It would if you intend to play with his heart but Jack I don't think you want to do that, I see the way you guys are with either other you act as if you are already a couple, a cute one at that I believe in Jalex." Cassadee said smiling at Jack.

"What about Scarlet, I know I love her." He said.

"Jack I know you do but there is a fine line between thinking your in love with somone and finding your soul mate who you actually love, and lets face it Jack there are going to be a lot of people you fall in love with but only one perfect match." She said having an even bigger smile.

"You think Alex is my soul mate?" He asked letting her words sink in.

"I don't think I know, now go find him." She said pushing him out of the room.

"Where's Alex?" He asked the group of guys.

"I dunno, try is bunk." Zack said with the shrug of his shoulders.

Jack nodded his head walking into the bunk room right up to Alex's bed, he let out a sigh as he pulled open the curtain. Alex looked up at him with wet eyes. "What do you want?" He said quickly wipping his eyes.

"To try something." Jack said leaning down and bringing his lips to Alex's before he backed out. Alex laid there for a seconds debating weather he should kiss him back he finally decided to give in when Jack climbed into the bed with him pulling the small boy close to his body. Alex couldn't fight off the moan that came out of his mouth as he felt Jack's tongue touch his own, Alex moved his hands up to the back of Jack's head lightly pulling him down more, he positioned himself so that Jack's body was on top of his loving every feeling. Jack slipped his hand up Alex's shirt feeling around his bare chest as he started to kiss down his friends neck, he lightly bit down on his skin tugging at the soft area leaving behind a love mark. He finally pulled away when he felt himself get excited at place he never thought he could by his best friend, his eye grew wide when he felt Alex's excitement as well.

"Holy shit." Jack panted looking down at Alex who's face was red.

"Why did you do that?" Alex said after a minute of just looking at the boy on top of him.

"I wanted to know if what I was feeling was real or not." Jack said placing both hands on each side of Alex's body so he could prop himself up.

"Did it work?" He asked biting his lip.

"Yeah I wanna do that again." Jack said bringing his lips back down onto the smiling Alex.


Well there's a steamy hot kiss for yea, this was awkward yet fun to write. Don't think this is the end because it's not I got a good idea for this story. Let me know what you think!

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