The Coming Out Show

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Hey everyone! So this wonderful Fanfic is coming to a close real soon, I only have a few chapters left maybe only like three. Don't be upset I might do another ATL story I haven't made my mind up yet.

But if you all could do me a favor if you 're a fan of My Chemical Romance check my new Fanfic with them The Cover Up's? It's a weird twisted story but interesting. It would mean a lot if you check it out.



 Alex and Jack sat down together on the couch at the back of their next show hand in hand both already staring to sweat. Rian and Zack stood across from them with smiling faces knowing they had noting to worry about. "You ready for this?" Rian asked overly amused.

"It's not that were nervous but it's just hard coming out." Jack said feeling his face redden slightly at the fact that him and Alex were about to tell the whole world that they were gay.

"You guys will be fine this is what they all want." Zack said trying his best to comfort his friends. He knew that this was all going to work out for them. Jalex is pretty much all All Time Low hears about, Zack also knew that this would be extremely good for the band having them a real couple would make a lot of people happy.

"Thank you Zack." Alex said feeling somewhat better. He knew that everything was going to work out but Jack was right coming out was hard, he never thought we would ever see himself doing this in a million years.

"Just so you guys know I also think Nano is being a dick to you guys, he wanted this but I don't think he thought that it would actually happen. Go out there and prove him wrong." Rian said smiling looking around making sure Nano wasn't in the room smiling even more when he realized he wasn't.

"Thanks Rian that means a lot." Jack said happy that he had good friends like Rian and Jack. "What time does the show start?" He than asked having his stomach twist.

"Any minute now." Nano said as he walked in with a frown on his face, "Are you sure you want to risk the band for doing this?" He than asked looking only at Alex and Jack.

Alex nodded his head, "We aren't risking anything!" And yes we are absolutely sure." He yelled getting to his feet.

"Alex calm down." Zack said looking worried. "The only person who is risking the band is you Nano." He then said pulling the three boys away from the shocked manger towards the stage.

"Holy shit Zack!" Jack said running and wrapping his arms around the bigger man.

"Thanks man." Alex said also hugging him from behind.

Rian stood their awkwardly before joining in the hug so he wasn't left out. "That was shocking coming from you Zack, you like hardly talk but when you do you shock the hell out of us." He mumbled into Zack's side.

"Well he was hurting my friends.." He said as he hugged them all back.

"You guys need to head on now!" Danny yelled from somewhere behind.

"Shut up Danny were going!" Alex yelled jokingly.

"I was just saying!" They heard Danny yell as they one by one started going out into the screaming crowed.

Alex walked up to his microphone letting out a sigh as he waved to the thousands of people before him. "Hey guys! As you know we're All Time Low." He said as the crowd got louder. "If you don't mind we're gonna play some songs for yea." He yelled even louder so he could be heard.

*Two Hours Later*

A covered in sweat Alex looked behind him at the rest of the guys who all nodded their heads. He looked back at everyone in front of them who clearly didn't want the show to be over.

"Hey! I just wanted you guys to know I had an amazing time tonight!" He yelled at the screaming people. "I just got one announcement, well I guess the whole band does so Rian get up here!" He said looking again behind him as Rian started to make his way from his drum set. "So um I don't really know how to say this and some of you might not believe it so before I say anything you need to do two things for me, one you need to all get as quiet as you can and second you need to know that I am not fucking around but telling the truth, can you guys do that?" He asked putting his arm around Jack and Zack.

The crowd screamed a yes in response before they all settled down, Alex waiting until he heard nothing from them. "Okay so I guess this is as quiet as you can get. I honestly don't know how to say this so I'm going just spit it out, me and Jack are gay for each other!" He yelled as the crowd started to scream again. "We're in a relationship we actually have been in for awhile now." He finished as he looked over at Jack who has barely spoken.

"Come on." Jack said pulling on Alex's arm "I feel like I am going to pass out." He added as he stumbled a little.

"Okay." Alex whispered looking at Rian and Zack before leading Jack off of the stage.

"I feel like I am going to be sick." Jack whispered as he began throwing up whatever he had for lunch.

"Oh shit!" Alex yelled as he grabbed a random bin.


Yeah I don't really like this chapter I had something else written but Wattpad decided to be a dick and delete it that is also why it took me a little bit longer to update.

Also I am sorry it is so short I didn't have a very long time to type this.

I hope you enjoyed it as always Comment Vote and Fan!


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