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Woah  an update? Sorry guys I have been gone for awhile but I was in a weird mood where I just did not want to write but I think I am out of it. But I do got some news on May 1st I got to see the wonderful band that I am writing this fanfic about All Time Low live in concert, it seriously was the best night of my life. After seeing them I realized I missed writing about them so here I am.



 Alex sat in the back of the bus staring at the empty space in front of him, he was still confused over what Nano had said. He was the one pushing for Jalex to happen but is now pulling back on his words? It was all just a mess and he wanted it to be cleaned up. "JACK!" He cried out not bothering to move knowing that Jack would came to him.

"WHAT?" Jack screamed as he entered the room wearing a smile.

"Where the fuck is Nano? He's been gone for awhile I wanna talk to him." He said turning his neck so he was now looking at the awkwardly tall man.

Jack shrugged his shoulders sitting down next to Alex taking his hand in his. "I dunno but you better not be angry with him." He said squeezing their hands.

"Why shouldn't I be mad? Jack he wanted this and now he's saying he doesn't it's frustrating me." He said looking at Jack with angry eyes.

"Alex he's looking at this relationship business wise, think about man, if we ever do break up, not saying we will anything soon, that could ruin this band. In away I can see why he is saying that he's worried for All Time Low the band he puts everything into." Jack said looking serious which was out of place on his never serious face.

Alex sat there staring into Jack's eyes for a second before letting out a sigh, "I'm still going to talk to him. He needs to realize me and you aren't a relationship for the band but for ourselves, if we break up were still gonna be best friends right?" He asked looking hopeful.

Jack let a huge smile out on his face easing Alex's worries. "Of course man. We've been friends since our awkward preteen days nothing is ever going to change that." He said pulling Alex into a hug.

"AW!" Rian said as he walked into the room hand in hand with Cassadee.

"Rian shut the fuck up." Alex snapped in a playful manor.

"No you guys are just so cute!" He said making Cassadee let out a giggle.

"What do you two want?" Jack asked wishing that they hadn't of ruined their mini Jalex moment.

"Since we are kind of stuck here until Nano returns me and Cass thought we'd go out, can you call us when he gets back?" Rian asked trying his best to keep a smile off his face.

"If it involves you leaving than yes." Alex said smiling sweetly at them.

"Alexander be nice!" Cassadee scolded.

"What? Me and Jack were having a moment." He said wrapping his arms around the tall boy still giving Rian and Cassadee a evil glare.

"Fine we'll let you lovers get back to getting it on, just make sure you take a break to call us." Rian said smiling at them as he lead Cassadee out of the room.

"Fucker." Alex mumbled as they walked out of the room.

Jack let out a chuckle as he took Alex's lips in his giving him a small kiss, when he pulled back Alex was giving him an confused look. "What was that for?" He asked liking the tingling feeling on his lips.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno I just like that I can do that anytime I want now." He said smiling as Alex leaned in kissing him more heavily this time.


Later that night Jack and Alex sat on the couch with their legs intertwined with each others, Alex's head resting on Jack's chest feeling his every intake of breath. "I can feel your heartbeat." Alex whispered.

"Can you? It's not like my heart isn't there or anything." Jack said playing with some of the other boys hair.

Alex was about to say something when the door to the bus opened showing a not to pleased Nano. He walked onto the bus ignoring the two boys as he walked into the small kitchen to get a water. "Nano.." Alex said unwrapping himself going over the man.

"I have nothing to say to you, not right now anyways." Nano said running his fingers threw his hair.

"Well that sucks cause we have stuff to say to you, we just want to know why you don't want us to be in a relationship?" Jack said coming to stand next to the two.

Nano looked at them seriously for a minute. "I don't want you guys to be together because I don't think you guys can last as a couple, you're just going to hurt each other and ruin ATL for the rest of us." He said with a guilty look.

"How can you say that?" Alex asked feeling his anger once again.

"Alex babe clam down." Jack said seeing the look on his boyfriends eyes pulling on his arm.

"No Nano how the fuck could you say that? This relationship has nothing to do with ATL it's for us! Even if we break up nothing will ruin the band! We would all just say best friends!" Alex yelled pulling his arm away from Jack.

"How do you know that Alex? If I recall you said the same thing about Lisa and you haven't talked to her in months!" Nano yelled now matching Alex's anger.

"Lisa was different me and her weren't friends before we dated, me and Jack have been friends since we were kids, I have full confidence that this will work." He said taking Jack's hand in his.

Nano stared at their hands before letting out a sigh. "Fine have your way but if we do break up over this relationship I'll make sure all the fans know who to blame. " He said leaving both boys standing in the kitchen.

"Come on just ignore him for now, this is all new to him, to all of us. He'll warm up to it soon." Jack said pulling Alex back down onto the couch.

"I can't believe him sometimes." Alex whispered as he placed his head back onto Jack's chest.

"I know but in the end you just have to realize that he's only worried for us." Jack said placing a kiss on his head.

"Yeah I get that but he doesn't need to be a dick about it, he could of just talked to us like a man. I understand why some of the guys are worried over this but I don't think this is just a fling, do you?" He asked looking up at the face of his boyfriend.

"Of course not, I wouldn't want it to be that way either. I like this whole Jalex thing and so do the fans." He said smiling at the thought of how they would act when they come out.

"Good cause I don't want it to be that way either. Do you still want to come out at the end of this tour?" Alex asked playing with one of Jack's hands.

"Yes I do, I don't want to keep it a secret, I want everyone to know." Jack said loving the way Alex was rubbing his hand. "Shit we still need to call Rian." He than added.

"Use my phone, It's in my front pocket." Alex said smiling.

"You just want me to touch you." Jack said smiling as he reached into the pocket and grabbing the phone letting his hand linger on his leg for a second.

"Maybe." Alex said a little breathless.

"I want to touch you as well." Jack said sending Alex's face on fire as Jack called the drummer.


I know it's so short! But I did need to get something out the next chapter will be longer.

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