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JAKE RUSHED TO EMILY'S to inform them on what just happened.

"Where the hell have you been?" Embry asked his best friend.

"Probably tracking Bella, you smell like her." Jared laughed.

"You smell like Zuri too. What's going on Jake?" Paul asked.

Jake sighed before looking at Sean. "Ty went with Bella to Italy to save Edward."

Sean's jaw ticked. "The scream, it was her wasn't it."

Jake nodded.

"That's not all, Zuri must have some type of abilities. She began to cook Bella's brain with her mind."

Sean was lost for words.

"She even threatened Bella. She wants her dead."

Xavier shuffled uncomfortably. This wasn't the caring Zuri he knew. "Where is she now?"

Jake shrugged, "I looked after she took off but I couldn't catch her scent. It was like a switch went off though, the moment she screamed it looked like all humanity was lost."

Sean sighed, even though he didn't know much about what Zuri was he knew the person who would. He stepped out the cabin like house and made a call.

"In the mean time shouldn't we try to find Zuri?" Paul asked aloud.

Zac sighed, "Is this a moment we let her cool down or is letting her cool down going to cause fatalities?"

Sam didn't know what to do. He looked at the father standing outside his home wiping his hand down his face as his daughter has gone awol, he looked at the concerned brothers and then looked at the angered imprint.

"We'll split it up. Jared, Embry and Jake with me. The rest of you stay here in case she comes back."

Xavier looked at his alpha in confusion. "Why shouldn't we be the ones to come with?"

Sam sighed, "When she comes back it should be those she's closest too."

Zac nodded in agreement while Xavier argued. "I want to help!" He growled.

"No! You will stay here." Sam commanded as the team walked out the home.

Sean was walking back in when he noticed them leave. "To look for Zuri?"

The three wolves nodded.

"Gail is coming back to see if she can help. She says we need to find Zuri ASAP though, something about being this young and no control."

As the pack search pretty much the rest of the evening Zuri had walked to Seattle, she blinked when she finally arrived. 'How'd I get here?'

She was getting ready to call her dad when something flashed past her. The rain was coming down heavily and it was cold. She was ready to be back home under her covers. As she turned to see if anyone could help she saw and young man. Before she could get any closer the red headed vampire sped in front of her.

"He's fine, just a little knocked up." She smiled.

Zuri remained nonchalant. "You're not scared of me?" Victoria asked shocked.

"Not at all, I actually envy you. I know what you're after, well more like who you're after." Zuri smiled.

Victoria remained curious about the girl. "Look, I know it's Bella Swan. I don't know why you're after her but I know that's who it is. Trust me, if I wasn't close to the damn family she would've been dead." Zuri ranted.

Victoria smiled, "She killed James. I loved him. She let those Cullens...murder him."

Zuri perked up. "She's the reason for you mate's death?"

Victoria nodded in sadness reminiscing on the trauma. "Life for a life is my motto."

Zuri smiled. "How about life for lives. She was the reason my boyfriend is dead."

Victoria's smile became wider. "Join me. You'll be my intel. Let me know everything. I work from afar but I plan to attack."

"I'd have to change you though." Victoria added.

It was Zuri's turn to laugh. Her eyes had grown purple. "I don't think you'll need to."

Victoria smiled and nodded before speeding off.

This was just the beginning....

Intrigued•Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now