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As the afternoon wears on, Shawn thinks more and more about his promise of dinner. By the time the clock reads 5:00 he is pacing the floors of his hotel room. He is fully dressed and ready to go, but he is hesitating.

Should I go? I mean she is engaged. That means strictly unavailable. I am not that guy...at least on purpose. She did say friends.. and some exes can be friends right? I mean it's Camila...it will be hard, but I can do that...if it means having her back in my life...I would rather something than nothing at all. Can I handle just being friends?

He stops and pulls his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. It reads 5:15.

Well, what's it gonna be...

Camila stands in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom and examines her outfit. She has picked out a black leather crop top and a black and yellow print skirt that falls to her mid-calf. The skirt comes up high and only a tiny peek at her stomach is showing. She pairs it with black booties.

You look....this outfit screams....trying too hard. Come on Camila...why is it so hard? It's Shawn he's not going to care what you wear.

She huffs and turns back to the large pile of clothes that sprawls all over her bedroom. She is currently on outfit number four. She begins to dig back through the clothes.

Maybe I should cancel...I mean I obviously don't have anything to wear. Last time it took me four wardrobe changes was...oh, I like this shirt.

She holds up her favorite black sweater and looks at herself in the mirror. She gives herself an approving look and takes off her crop top and replaces it with her new pick, and turns back to her pile of clothes for some jeans. She settles on a pair of ripped skinny jeans in an army green color. She finds her black booties on the floor, and slips them on. Turning back to the mess she has made getting ready, she notices the time, 5:30.

Crap. Don't have time to clean this mess. Clothes please forgive me.

She thinks as she grabs the pile in her arms and tosses them into the dirty clothes hamper and shuts the lid. She heads into the bathroom to finish up her makeup. She is contoured and glossed up in 15 minutes, her hair hangs down in messy curls and her makeup is light and simple. She looks at herself in the bedroom mirror again, this time examining the whole package.

Damn. Not bad.

She walks into the living room and she begins to pace near the door, impatiently waiting for the knock. The next time she looks at the clock, it read 6:10 and her heart sinks as she walks over to the couch and sits down on the end.

Did he stand me up? It's unlike Shawn to be late...

Five minutes later the knock at the door scares her out of her daze and makes her jump. Hopping up from her spot on the couch she heads for the door, stopping briefly to check her reflection one last time. She swings the door open and smiles to see him standing on the other side.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Traffic out there is terrible." he says as he returns her smile.

"No problem. Come on in." she says as she moves out of the doorway to let him through. As he walks past her, she shuts the door and follows behind him, "Traffic is terrible here this time of year...tourists and all."

"Yeah, it was always a pain in the ass, but I didn't remember it being this bad." he says as he turns back to her and holds out a bottle of peach Moscato, "For you, a thanks for dinner."

"Shawn, you didn't have to do that. This was my thank you for dealing with crazy drunk Camila last night. Thank you though, it is very thoughtful and my favorite!"

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