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Camila sat in her white bride robe at a setup makeup station in the middle of her suite. "Where is Sofia? She was supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago!" Camila groaned as she looked around the room for the girls.

"Camila, if you don't quit moving I am eventually going to burn you with one of these rollers, now sit still." the hairdresser says as she gives her a warning look in the mirror.

Camila huffs, "Sorry, I just...." She spots Phoebe in the mirror walking around in the back of the room. "Phoebe, where is Sofia?"

Phoebe stops and a panicked look washes over her face as she pulls her cellphone out of the pocket of her robe, "I uh..I don't but I will find out." she says as she quickly throws her phone to her ear, knocking the giant rollers in her hair against her head. "Ouch!" she says as she stops to rub the side of her head.

Camila glares at her in the mirror just as the door opens and Sofia rushes in, her hands full of coffee cups and boxes.

"Sorry I'm late..." she says as she shuts the door. "I ran by the bakery and grabbed coffees and some red velvet cupcakes." she says as she sits a cup in front of Camila on the table, and a box that holds a cupcake which Camila grabs immediately.

"And on my way back I was stopped...by the groom, and handed this." she says as she pulls a small box and a card out of her bag and squeals with excitement as she shakes them in front of Camila.

Camila throws the cupcake down and spins around in her chair, not caring about the hairdresser who huffs at her and reaches for the box.

"He said to tell you to open the card first, and then the present..." she says as she snatches the box back out of reach and hands her the card.

Taking the envelope from Sofia's outstretched hand, she opens it and begins to read,


On this day I have loved you for 7 years, 4 months, and 27 days. Today will start day 1 of forever as husband and wife.

I love you. – S

Camila smiles up at her friends who were now in the living room and sitting down on the couch across from her, "Isn't he the sweetest?" she says as she holds the card to her chest and they all nod their heads, "Now, gimme the box and no one gets hurt." She deadpans.

Sofia hands over the small white box wrapped in a nude colored ribbon. Camila excitedly pulls the ribbon off and tosses it onto the table. She pulls the small lid off the box and sighs when she sees what is inside. She pulls the necklace out of the box and shows it to everyone.

"I saw this months ago when we went to buy his band and said how much I loved it...I cannot believe he remembered."

"We should so clone him and sell him... we would be millionaires." Phoebe mumbles under her breath.

"Can we pause getting ready for like 2.5 seconds? I really need some Facetimin' with my groom.." Camila says with a smile as she grabs her phone.

"NO!" everybody yells in unison, making Camila look around the room.


Erin walks up and politely snatches the phone out of her hand, "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Anything you need to say to him, I will text FOR you." she says with a smile.

"Okay, but you aren't going to like it." Camila says with a shrug as she turns back around to the mirror to get back to her hair.

She looks in the mirror at Erin who stands with the phone in her hand, "Are you ready?" she asks, Erin giving her a look in the mirror. Camila smiles, "Shawn, thank you for the necklace." she says as she watches Erin start to type it out, "I can't wait to wear it for you tonight after you peel me out of my wedding dress." She says and Erin's face scrunches up in disgust as she types it out, "Xo – C."

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