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Camila steps out of the shower into a foggy bathroom, and wraps herself up in a towel. She walks over to the mirror and wipes a hole big enough to see into. She goes about her nightly routine moisturizing her face, conditioning her hair and pulling it up into a messy bun and brushing her teeth. When she is finished, she takes a deep breath as she opens the cabinets under the sink and grabs a paper bag; pulling a pink EPT box out. She flips it over and over in her nervous hands.

A loud commotion in the bedroom makes her stop as she leans up next to the door to hear more. Unable to, she cracks the door just a little, knowing that if she opens it too much, he will notice.

"Stop it daddy! Stop!"

"Stop what Cam? I'm not doing anything..."

"Yes you areeee! Stop it!"

"Stop what? This?" she can hear Shawn say, followed by laughter and screaming of their 3 year old son Cameron that she can recognize as their nightly tickle fight.

"Daddyyyyy!" he calls out again and Shawn stops.

"Okay I will stop. Let's get settled for bed...Mommy is almost done and we will go read. Good?"

"Seuss?" Cameron asks excitedly and it makes Camila laugh and roll her eyes.

Dr. Seuss? We've read him Dr. Seuss every night for a year!

Shawn chuckles, "If you want Seuss we will read Seuss C-man."

Camila laughs and turns back to the sink as the EPT box catches her eye. She sighs and opens the box up, pulling out a test as memories of their first pregnancy flash through her mind.

They had only been married two years when she got pregnant with Cameron...and it was quite unexpected.

"Baby, are you sure you're okay? I mean...that's a lot of puke." Shawn called out as he sat behind her on the edge of the bath tub, holding her hair back as she heaved over the toilet.

She sat back on her heels and wiped her mouth with a wet rag, "I uh I don't know...the girls at work have all passed this bug around. Erin was out for 3 days with it. Do I feel like I have a fever?" she asked as she leaned back so he could reach her forehead.

He placed his hand across her head and paused for a moment, "Maybe a little one. Why don't you let me make you an appointment with the doctor, just in case?" he asks as he rubbed his hands down her arms.

"I'll be fine Shawn, it's just a little vomit...I mean what do you plan to do when we have kids if you can't handle a little puke?" she teased.

"That's more than a little puke...we've been at this for hours. You eat, then you puke and then you'll drink something and puke. This morning you gagged when I made a bowl of cereal because you said you could smell the sugar on my cocoa puffs..." She started to gag again at his words as she turned back to the toilet bowl. He swooped her hair back in his hands just in time.

When she was done she sat back again and looked at him, "You should probably go...I don't want to you catch it too. We both can't get sick." she mumbled as she stood to brush her teeth.

He pulled out his phone and looked at the time, "I just didn't want to leave you sick. I can call out today if I need to."

She shook her head, "No, go on. I will be fine. I'll just make myself useful and clean up a little around here...but it will most likely be the bathroom since this is where I've spent most of my time the last couple of days." she said with a chuckle.

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