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"Well...I was here about 8 months ago when we went out for my birthday and ran into Shawn...literally."

"It made for a very awkward night...let me just tell you." Jen said.

"Oh, I can only imagine." Sofia agrees with a lift of her eyebrows, taking a sip of her soda.

Camila can't help the smile that creeps over her face when she can feel him before she hears or sees him.

"Excuse me ladies, you mind if I steal the bride away for just a few minutes? I will bring her back, I promise." he asks as he walks up behind her and puts the back of Camila's chair, his fingers barely grazing her naked shoulder and it makes shivers run down her spine.

"Of course we care." Sofia says as she tries to keep her stern face straight.

"Me and the guys are fixing to leave to head on somewhere else, and I wanted to snag a slow dance with the most beautiful girl in this place before we did."

"I'm just kidding. You two lovebirds go on somewhere."

Camila turns around to face him, her face blushed and she takes his hand and they make their way onto the dance floor.

As the song stops the DJ's voice booms through the speakers, "Okay, it would appear that not only do we have the bachelorette party in the house...but we also have the groom and his bachelor party in here as well." He stops as the crowd of people start to hoop and yell, "And the groom has asked to have a slow song played, just so that he can dance with his soon to be wife, and here at Murphy's, we try to make everyone happy so...we're gonna slow it down...just for the soon to be newlyweds."

They take a spot in the crowd near the center of the dance floor and she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him close. He wraps his around her waist and smiles a smile that almost makes her too weak in the knees to dance as a love song begins to play through the speakers and they slowly begin to move.

They watch as one by one every other person on the dance floor moves and leaves only the two of them dancing, with all eyes on them. Camila's eyes fill with tears as she looks around and everybody in the bar stops to watch them. Most of the girls are tearing up like she is, and couples stand with their arms wrapped around each other. She laughs through her tears and turns her attention back to him as he stands his eyes only on hers.

"So, you're getting married next week I hear?" he asks playfully.

"I am. This time next week I will be Mrs. Mendes" she says and the smile creeps up onto her face as stares into his deep brown eyes

"Mrs. Mendes...that has a damn fine ring to it if you ask me" he says as he returns her smile, "So, what's he like...your fiancé...?"

She giggles at his playfulness, "He is...my tall and handsome man. He is the love of my life, my very best friend, and every single wish I have ever made come true. He has had my heart forever, and he always will...until I am like, dead." they both laugh and he looks down and back up at her "Breaking up was the biggest mistake we have ever made...but having him back, it's the greatest gift I have ever been given. Where he goes, I will go because, he's...home."

Shawn chokes back what looks like tears in his eyes and chuckles "Lucky bastard."

They laugh again and she looks at him questioningly, "Did you know about this? About them bringing me out tonight and having the girls in town?"

"Yeah, I did actually...they wanted to surprise you so they begged me not to say anything...and you don't know how hard it is to keep something like that a secret when it comes to you." they laugh again as they continue their slow circle in the middle of the dance floor. "I didn't know that you would be coming here though, or I would've made plans to go elsewhere...which I should've done anyway considering the circumstances."

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