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Flipping through the multiple pieces of paper I try to make it a little less cluttered in my backpack. Once I was a little happier with the mess I zip up my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder and tightening it against my body. Clearing my throat I set off towards home, or what I think is the direction of home. For being the first few days at a new school I was happy to finally have a few days to myself now. Well, a way to explore the new city and find comfort to call it my home.

I have spent a few hours after school today to catch up on work since I transferred schools mid-schoolyear. I'd really like to graduate on time and not waste another year of my life redoing my senior year. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. As I travel home I pass through Hawkins Middle school. A few kids littered the streets, giggling with their friends as the time passed. As each kid passes me I send them a small smile, happy to see everyone in a good mood. Maybe this town will be good for me, a much happier aroma for me to be surrounded by.

Just as I was leaving the middle school premises my eyes landed on a little boy out by the schoolyard, deep in the yard actually. He was just standing there facing me, not a bone in his body was moving from what I can see from where I was standing. Stopping in my tracks I watch the little boy as my heartbeat quickens, hoping to see any sign of movement. Time seems to pass slowly as I watch him.

Seeing the little boy not move for another minute I bolt towards him, not even realizing what I was doing. Getting closer to him I could see and feel that something was wrong. His eyes were closed and he was slightly shaking. As my hands touch his shoulder, nothing happens. "Hey," I start. "Hey, are you alright? Kid, answer me please."

Still nothing.

"Come on kid, wake up! Please," I plead as I shake the kid. "I don't know what else to do. Someone help! Help!"

The doors from the middle school slam open behind me, making me jump. Glancing over my shoulder I see a few other little kids and an older female come running towards me, "I just found him like this, what is wrong with him?"

"I think he is having another episode," A young male with black hair says to the group, ignoring me.

"Will!" The female says, slightly pushing me out of the way. "Will sweetie, wake up! It's mom! I am here baby."

The kids and I glance back and forth between each other, anxiously waiting for the boy Will to wake up. There is nothing that I could think of that would solve all the questions in the world that I have for this exact moment. All I wanted to do was go home, not stress about this kid I have no idea about.

The Will kid gasps, coming back from whatever just happened, causing all of us to jump at the sudden change. Everyone, including myself, let out a sigh of relief. "Will honey," the female whispers comfortably, holding tightly on the boy. "Are you okay? Did you have another episode?"

Episode? So this is a common thing for him? Woah, because that is like super freaky. This poor kid should not be having to deal with this crazy issue. Well nobody should be going through this period. Honestly, I feel bad for him. Whatever this issue is I mean.

The female wraps her arms around Will's shoulder, guiding him back inside the school through the doors that they came from. His friends turn to each other, whispering things about 'the creature' and 'episodes'. For a while I just linger awkwardly out of their circle, not knowing what to do next. That was until the curly-haired boy from the group of kids notice me like I wasn't here the whole time.

"Who are you?" He asks, not subtly.

"I was just walking by-" I start.

"Not like we get that, we aren't stupid. Who are you? We don't recognize you, are you like new here?"

"Yeah, I just got here like a few days ago. I go to the high school, that is why you probably don't recognize me."

"Well, I am Dustin. There are my friends Lucus, Mike, and Max. The boy that you just saw was Will and his mom Joyce."

"Nice to meet you guys, I guess."

"What is your name?" the little girl asks.

"(Y/n), is Will going to be okay? He did not look too good back there."

"Oh yup, once he gets a good night's rest he will be in tip-top shape. No need to worry lady."

Dustin then grabs as many of his friends' arms as he could hold and ran. They all go in the same direction that Will and his mom went in. For a moment I just stared at the spot they disappeared in, unsure what I was even going to do now. They just sorta left me, standing on the middle school field alone.

Shrugging I turn around and head back in the direction of home. Those kids know what to do with their friend while I am merely just a stranger. So it is honestly none of my business, and I won't pressure any of those kids to tell me anything. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was I in the right place, who knows how long Will was like that?

The walk home was quiet, which is honestly for the better. Seeing Will like that probably is not good for my heart. Poor kid. Within seconds I was home, with no cars in the driveway meaning I have the whole place to myself.

Inside I threw my backpack near the door, followed by my shoes getting kicked off. In a matter of seconds, I was on the couch with a bag of potato chips next to me. The only sound that could be heard with chomping of chips and an occasional giggle from me. Seems like a nice vacation after all the school work that I have been doing and that poor Will kid.

Took me an hour to rip my greasy body off of the couch. I didn't move from me being bored but from the doorbell going off like crazy. Getting to the door I cautiously it open, wanting this unwanted visitor to go away quickly so I can go back to laying down.

"Hello neighbor," I hear the person on the other side of my door say

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