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Max looks up at Steve with worry all over her face as she backs away from the window, "It's my brother. He can't know I am here, he will kill me. He will kill us." She grabs his arm, pleading with him with her eyes.

"What? He is so nice though," I shrug.

"Yeah because you are a hot new girl in town. You don't know him like I do (Y/n). Believe me, he is not a good person."

Steve heads to the front door without a second word, a feeling of confidence in his step as he walks out on the porch. I follow his shadow, closing the door behind us. Tires screech to a halt, and I could hear the driverside door open and close. Faintly I could hear footsteps as Billy gets closer to us.

"Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" I could hear Billy say, a smile clearly on his lips.

Steve sighs, "yeah it's me. Don't cream your pants."

"What about your little shadow behind you? Hmm? Who is that?"

I take a step out from behind Steve, walking into the light. Crossing my arms I look down at Billy from the porch. A smile comes to his lips as he drops his cigarette to the ground, "See now this is a surprise."

"Why is that?" Steve asks, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Princess, don't you want to come and hang out with me. King Steve isn't what he is all acting to be. I'm sure I can show you a real good time."

"Why are you even here?" Steve steps off of the porch getting closer to Billy.

"I could ask you the same thing. I'm looking for my stepsister, a little birdie told me she was here."

"Hmm, that is weird. I don't know her."

"Princess does." Billy's finger was pointed right at me.

"Yeah," I shrug. "Doesn't mean that I know where she is right now." It is my duty to protect that little girl from Billy. If she said Billy is bad, I listen to her. Billy doesn't look like the same guy that knocked on my front door yesterday. In fact, he looks insane, capable of anything.

His shoulder hits Steve as he comes up to me, a smirk coming to his lips once he stops in front of me. "You know," He sighs. "I don't know this whole situation. It is giving me the heebie-jeebies princess, and I'm sure you are just as confused as I am."

"Oh yeah?"

"My 13-year-old sister goes missing when you come to town. Then I find her here in a stranger's house, with Harrington. See I like you (Y/n), but you are making me really mad right now. Worst of all is that you lied to me about it."

"She isn't here, sorry. Get back in that little car of yours. Go. Home."

"Bit of a feisty one huh? Harrington, get a load of the princess. But like I said, I don't like how you are lying to me." His eyes move to the house. Looking over my shoulder I see the kids watching through the front window. Out of freight, they jump away from the window. "Then who is that, hmm? Harrington, want to help out the princess?"

"Listen-" Steve grabs Billys' arm, pulling him away from me.

Billy pushes Steve to the ground, kicking him hard in the abdomen with full force a few times to keep him down. I rush over to Steve as Billy heads inside. Lifting up his shirt I check his injury, watching as his skin starts turning red.

"No," Steve wheezes out. "The kids."

"I-" I stutter, watching Steve groan in pain. "Steve."

"Go (Y/n)! They need you."

Looking at the front of the house I see Billy slam the front door shut. Glancing down at Steve once more I pull up my babysitter's face and remember who I told myself I am going to protect. My feet move quickly, heading to the house. The instincts to protect the kids wash over me harder than before, adrenaline pumping through me as I open the door to the house. Nobody was in the living room, but I can hear Billy screaming in the kitchen.

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