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Max and I stare back at each other, shocked to see each other so suddenly after the events earlier today. She was at a loss for words as was I. It took us both a minute before someone said anything. "Well uh, my mom told me to stop by and drop these off. My brother is uh back there and uh yeah," Max finally stutters out. "We are here to welcome you to the neighborhood."

She hands me a plate of homemade cookies before nodding towards the street. An older male was leaning up against his car with a cigarette on his lips. He sends me a small smirk before pulling a long drag from his cigarette. Looking back at Max I ask, "Is Will okay? I sure hope so, whatever happened to him didn't look so good."

"I think he is, I honestly am not sure. My family just moved here as well so I am just as confused as you are. Everything is new for me and nobody is really talking to me about it."

"Hmm, well let me know if you find out anything. That was some pretty scary stuff to witness. Tell your parents I say thank you for the baked good."

"I will, nice seeing you again (y/n)."

She turns to leave, back in the direction of her brother. For a second I stare at the back of her head before calling back out, "Hey Max." Stopping in her tracks she looks back at me, "Yeah?" Her full attention was on me, wanting to know what I had to say.

"If you ever want to talk or hang out, ill be here. Being both newbies in this town and all I mean. You don't have to give me an answer now, just keep it in mind"

A grin soon grows on her lips as she nods quickly. I smile back at her before she loads up in the car that her brother was leaning up against. His eyes were still on me as he finds the front door to his car, the cigarette thrown to the ground. Once they were out of sight I head back inside, finding my respected spot on the couch again.


Later that night I hear another knock on the door. Turning my head towards the door I wipe the soap off of my hands from the dishes I was washing. Quickly I make my way towards the door, not wanting the visitor to wait any longer. It is pretty late out and the streetlights are on, maybe they need help.

Opening I see the older male that was with Max, his hands were on my door frame. His face was turned to the ground but when he heard the sound of the door opening his blue eyes met mine. Instantly a smirk comes to his lips, playing a nice role on his beautifully sculpted face. This time he did not have a cigarette accompanying between his lips.

"Yes?" I ask the visitor on my doorstep.

"You see, I never got to formally introduce myself earlier with the kid. You see my pretty little neighbor was in my mind all night and I just couldn't bare the thought of not getting to meet her. So here I am, formally introducing myself," The male starts. "My name is Billy, and you are (Y/n), the pretty little neighbor that never left my mind."

"Nice to meet you Billy, is Max with you?"

"Nope, just me and you right now."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Billy. Nice of you to introduce yourself so you're not known as 'max's brother'."

"Step-sister. Max told me you go to the same school as me, how come we have never crossed paths yet? I would have remembered a pretty face like yours walking those halls."

"I tend to keep to myself I guess. Plus it's only been a few days that I have been here."

"Well next time we see each other at school don't be afraid to come up to me, I don't bite too hard."

He sends me a wink before gently grabs ahold of my hand, his lips planting a small kiss on it, "I bid you a farewell and a good night (Y/n)." He places my hand back at my side, making sure to return it like how he got ahold of it.

His blue eyes linger on me as he turns towards his house, as he gets further away from me I just shrug and head back inside. "Weird," I say to myself once I get back to my dishes. Placing my hands in the water I groan at the coldness of the liquid. It was hot before, and it wasn't even a long amount of time that I was with Billy.

Groaning once again, I refill the sink with fresh hot water and continued to work on the dishes. Humming along to an unknown tune to make the time go by faster. Once the dishes were done, along with all the other chores I did earlier, I set off for bed. Planning on going for a nice walk in the morning to view the neighborhood.

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