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"(Y/n)?" I hear.

Turning my head I see Steve in a sailor outfit coming straight for me, someone that I missed greatly. The two girls that I was talking to giggled and left, running for a clothing store. Leaving me alone with the male. Before I could even process anything his arms wrap around me, twirling me around in the air. A giggle escaped his lips as he dropped me back to my feet.

"Steve!" I laugh, messing up his hair a little with my hand.

"You don't understand how much I have missed you! It has been horrible without you here to help me babysit the kids."

I place my hands on my hips, "Is that all you miss from me? Wow, I thought what we had was special"

"Yeah....." He lets a dramatic pause. "I am joking (Y/n), I miss your attitude and awesome fighting skills."

"Awesome, happy to be back of service for you Mr. Babysitter."

"Hey now, I just can't believe you are like back. Dustin was supposed to let me know when you were coming back! We can't count on him I guess."

He pulls me in for another hug, tighter this time. Gladly I wrap my arms around him, also glad to be back with my family. Once he lets go of me, my hands drop to my side. His smile was still pointed at me, probably taking in the fact that I am back to stay now.

"Well I should get back to work," the male sighs. "But we have to hang out again. If that is okay?"

"Of course it is fine Steve," I shrug, a smile tugging at my lips.

He sends me a bigger smile before turning and walking away. That smile stayed on his face while he helped the line of customers that accumulated while we reunited with each other. Turning around I leave the small ice cream parlor, adventuring away. Glancing around I take in all the stores and visuals around the place. It feels like I am in the future with all this color and lights, it was an odd thing to look upon.

Before I even realized it I found myself back home. Throwing myself on the couch I let my eyes drift asleep. With a few seconds of my eyes shutting, knocking at the door makes me jump up to my feet. Letting my lightheadedness go away from getting up to quickly, I go to the door. Two giggling girls stood on my porch, pinching each other.

"Well if it isn't the people the left me alone back at the mall, "I sigh crossing my arms.

"We thought that you would want some alone time with Steve," Max says with a sly face.

"What is that supposed to mean? And what are you guys even doing here anyway?"

"We were just wondering if you would like to come with us to the pool?"

"Oh, sure! That sounds like fun, but I don't have a bike to get there."

"We can just walk," El says. "It isn't too far from here."

"Come on in then so I can change. Do you guys have towels?"


"No, we don't" Max shyly says as they both enter my house.

"Alright, ill go pack some for you guys then."

They tour around the house as I head to my bedroom. Searching through all the drawers I finally found the only swimsuit that I own. It is a baby blue one-piece swimsuit, something that I find myself very confident in. Shame I don't take it out as much, it is a cute clothing piece. Getting the suit on I put a dress on over it, putting some sandals on too.

Grabbing three towels from my bathroom closet I place them in a tote bag, along with sunscreen. I found the two girls raiding my fridge for grapes when I found them. A grape falls out of Eleven's mouth as I catch them, Max laughs at the younger girl before slightly choking on the one she had in her mouth.

"You guys are free to do whatever you want here." I laugh, picking up the fallen grape. "You guys are like my own, you have no rules here."

"Cool!" El smiles brightly.

"Now come on, I want to catch some rays by the pool."

The two file out of the house, waiting for me to follow them. Once I lock the front door we set off towards the pool. I'm excited to go back to normal now, well after being in the hospital for so long. Maybe I can make myself look more humane with a little color on my face.

Walking to the pool took no time. Guess Elevens wasn't lying when she said it wasn't far from my house. Upon entering we took in how busy it was, but that didn't let it sour our day. Thankfully we did find a spot with three chairs. I gladly take off the swimsuit cover I was wearing before putting on some sunscreen. Handing the sunscreen to the girls I lay back in the chair, feeling the warmth of the sun fall on my skin.

"Be safe girls," I say as they jump in the pool.

Laying out in the sun for about ten minutes was filled with pure silence. That was until I heard the sound of a whistle going off. Picking my head up I see a lifeguard turned away from me and yelling at someone who was running. Shrugging I lay my head back down as the lifeguard whistles again, letting people go back to what they were doing.

A shadow blocks my view of the sun, opening my eyes I was met with baby blue ones. Billy stood in front of me, a smirk on his lips as he looked down at me.

"Princess," he whispers, getting closer to me. "We should talk."

"Billy, leave me alone," I growl, trying to make myself bigger than him.

"Where is your partner in crime? I kinda miss Harrington."

"Billy!" Max pushes Billy away from me. "Leave her alone."

"I just want to talk to her Max, we were just talking. Can we please finish this somewhere more private?"

"She won't be going anywhere with you."

"No," I get up, wrapping my towel around me. "Let's go talk Billy, enlighten me with what you have to say."

Billy takes no time to waste, his hand touches my lower back as he guides me. He brings me to the showers where the lifeguards are only allowed. I cross my arms as Billy stands before me, "What do you have to say to me? We could have talked in front of the girls, why is it so important we talk alone?"

"Look, I am sorry. I truly am. I wanted to talk alone because I don't apologize all the time, I'm a little vulnerable now. My anger got the best of me back then," the male sighs. "Having a little sister that wasn't in a safe place made me flip. I should have been the bigger person and walked away. But I never walk away from a fight."

"Look where it turned out."

"Yeah, I know. Please forgive me (Y/n), you don't know how mad I am at myself for doing that to you. Please let me make it up to you."


My foot taps rapidly as I wait for a knock at the door or even a honk. Peering through the window I don't see Billys' car outside of my house or his. Am I even surprised? Well, he did ask to take me out tonight, a way to say sorry. You would think that he would actually come. Yet he never shows up to his apology party. I can't believe I thought for a second he was actually going to be on the other side of the front door.

It's almost 9 pm and he said he would pick me up at 8. Screw him. Turning off my porch light I turn in for the night, planning on getting a good night's rest. Again, screw you, Billy.

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