Chapter 19

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"Are we all ready for the strike?" Pearl asked, her voice echoing around the small gray room. All the tier eight and nine admins were squished into the little war room. Pearl wasn't using the main meeting room because the mole would have a much better chance of overhearing their plans in the vast open space.

"Remember... tonight right after dusk... the watchers will fall once and for all!" Pearl cried. The assembled admins cheered. Grian hushed them with a swipe of his hand. The two prime admins exited the room swiftly, preparing for the battle to come.

. . .

"Hey, guys! You're back already?" Gem called cheerfully as Grian and Pearl entered the prime admin quarters.

The lady of nature was perched delicately on the large golden windowsill whispering sweetly to five potted plants and their resident bee friend. "Grow big, little ones." Grian heard Gem speak softly in the magic language. As time passed it seemed that Gem and Scar had inherited more than just physical attributes.

Both higher powers could suddenly speak galactic. Scar had volumes of ancient spells and necromancer charms memorized... spells he had never read in his life. Gem could understand plants and animals all of the sudden. Lots and lots of little things were gradually being discovered.

Grian had dueled Gem once since her transformation. He was pleasantly surprised when Gem was able to hold her own for a whopping fourteen minutes against some of Grian's most powerful magic. Grian's most powerful admin and watcher magic.

Grian still found it mildly unfair that Gem's magic moved twice the speed of admin magic and was green. For some reason, it always took him off guard when green magic or any color of magic that really shouldn't exist was aimed in his direction.

To be fair, tier three admin magic - or tier Viridis did have green magic. But level three green magic was dark green, and Gem's magic was a bright, unnatural creeper green.

"Yes, we just needed to finalize a few last details." Grian pulled his hood down and breathed in the earthy, moist yet cool scent that filled a room in the presence of the lady of nature. Like a meadow of flowers, freshly dug grass, and rain, the aura Gem radiated was beautiful.

Pearl was still getting used to more people occupying the prime quarters. She didn't mind Xisuma and False. She had known them for a while - they had actually trained together and been in the same admin classes for a few years before she was designated as a prime admin apprentice. Both of them were silent, efficient, and effective admins. Those were combinations Pearl could admire.

Scar and Gem were... another story. Pearl wasn't jealous. She just couldn't accept that they had been born into such glory. They hadn't done anything to deserve their inheritance - their mystical powers were handed to them on a silver platter.

And not only were they crazy powerful, but they had also somehow earned Xelqua's friendship. It seemed Grian had just met Scar a few days ago, and suddenly they were better friends than Pearl and Grian had ever been.

Even after so many years of self-sacrifice for the other prime, somehow Pearl was second best to the two hermits. Yes, Xisuma had invited Scar to Hermitcraft. Annoying, frivolous, and jellie-panda obsessed Scar. It was Scar out of all the capable admins - including Pearl - who got free long-lost superpowers.

"I'm going to go finalize a few things." Pearl forced a smile. Grian looked at her with a frown.

"What do we need to finalize? We finished yesterday." Grian snickered.

"I want to keep looking for the mole." At this Grian's smile faded and he gave one quick nod before stepping over to admire Gem's plants.

The flowers had once again gone rampant and were snaking their leaves and vines up Gem's arms. The lady of nature giggled as she admonished them in perfect galactic. She was just as good at galactic as Grian though she had never spoken a word in the magic language one week ago.

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