Chapter 89

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Emily's POV
Harry and I got stuck sitting in the very very back. The only good thing is that Harry and I got to be back there by ourselves but it was very hard to sit up because of how we were turning and stuff.
"Do we still have to wear these costumes?" Felix asked.

"Yes we do." Colin responded.

"What about when we're in the car? My heads starting to itch." Liam complained.

"We can take them off when Nobody else is around us but otherwise they have to be on." Colin said.

We all took off our wigs except Harry who just kept his hair gelled back.

I tapped his head and it was all sticky and hard feeling. I laughed a bit and continued touching it.

"Why are you touching my hair?" Harry asked.

"Because it's weird feeling and fun to touch." I said.

Harry pulled me close and onto his lap.

He smiled and I snuggled into his chest.

"Okay guys I have a confession to make." Sherri said.

I looked over at her.

I saw you take out her green contacts from her eyes and it turns out her eyes looked like a big pupil. There was no other colors than black and white.

"Why are your eyes like that?" Felix asked.

"I have powers. But they're different from your powers. They're black magic." Sherri said.

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