Mum!Ellis x Reader

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A/N: I wanted to redeem Ellis as a mum, so she never got alzheimers and Maggie doesn't exist. Thatcher is a cunt as usual and the reader has a good relationship with Ellis, a semi good relationship with Meredith and starts to gain a relationship with Lexie.

Y/n's POV

Leaning back in the car seat I try to avoid another coughing fit as mum drives me to the hospital. "N-not S-seattle G-grace, Meredith c-can't see me like this." I pant out before being overcome with a coughing fit that has me choking on more blood as it spluttered out.

"It's the closest hospital to us y/n and Richard is waiting for us baby." Mum says gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"I-I'm okay, I'll be fine. Another surgery and I'll be good as new." I tell her once the coughing fit has passed and wipe away the blood trying to stay calm. I know that this time it's worse, there's nothing that can be done other than get rid of my fucked liver and replace it. It's done nothing but give me trouble for the last few tears which has worried mum nonstop. "Besides unless they have a replacement liver were going to be back in this situation god knows how long down the line."

"He has a liver for you baby and when we get there he's going to take you straight into surgery." She tells me as we pull up at the hospital amd Richard quickly pulls the door open and lifts me out of the car. Carrying me into the hospital he places me onto a gurney and starts to wheel me towards the OR when someone starts shouting and it takes me a moment to realise its Meredith.

"Mum? Is that y/n? What the hell happened?" She asks running over to us looking worried and I groan.

"You didn't tell her!" Mum exclaims and I shake my head weakly as I start coughing again only this time the blood sticks in my throat making me choke on it slightly. "Y/n? Richard, go, I'll talk to Meredith. Make sure my baby doesn't die, do you understand me." She growls and I manage to laugh around the blood as someone turns me to my side. Spitting the blood out into the basin that's held out for me I offer a weak smile to the cute nurse before my eyes roll into the back of my head.

Ellis' POV

Watching Richard wheel y/n to the OR I wring my hands nervously as I turn to Meredith.

"What the hell happened?" She asks me and I don't know what to say. All I can see is y/n collapsing and coughing up blood. "Mum? What happened? Is y/n going to be okay?"

"I need to wash off the blood Meredith, please help me get rid of the blood." I whisper shakily and she nods before guiding me towards the familiar residents lounge and towards the bathroom there. Quickly scrubbing the blood off of my hands I turn to Meredith with a small smile.

"Okay, now can you tell me what the hell happened?" She asks and I nod as we sit down.

"Well, as you know y/n was born with a liver condition that we've managed to keep under control." I tell her and she nods for me to continue. "Well that was until recently. About a year ago she started getting sick but refused to tell me until she collapsed, I rushed her to Seattle Pres where they told us that her liver was failing but that it would take a while before she got a new one so I contacted Richard. He's been helping keep her stable until they could get a new liver for her."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain what just happened." She says as she picks at her nails, a habit she got from me when I'm nervous. Reaching out a hand I take her hands in mine to stop her.

"She was feeling good, for the first time in weeks she was feeling good Meredith and she wanted to go for a walk. I encouraged her and went with her incase she needed me and then we got half way round the block before she started coughing but insisted she could make it home. As we reached the house she started coughing again only this time there was blood and I knew what was happening instantly so I got her in the car and rushed here after calling Richard." I explain squeezing her hands. "I thought that she had told you or I would have told you myself Meredith."

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