Arizona Robbins x Reader

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A/n: Pretty Sad

Y/n's POV


Waking up in the woods I become aware of multiple things at once, the first being the unbelievable pain that radiates through my arm and leg. The next being Meredith crying and Arizona screaming in pain. Slowly pushing myself up I bite back the urge to scream as my arm gives out and I fall back down with a thud alerting the others to my state. "Oh my god! Y/n!" Christina shouts as she runs over to me and I only just manage to stop the black spots from overtaking my vision as I look at her.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask as calmy as I can as she helps me sit up and I feel someone slip behind me holding me up against their body. Wincing as I look around at the devestation surrounding me I slowly start to push myself up only to realise that my leg is missing and someone had wrapped it while I was unconscious. Closing my eyes at the sight I bite back the urge to be sick and lean heavily on my good arm while taking deep breaths before opening my eyes again to look at Christina. "Um, nevermind that's a really stupid question."

"No, it's not, you've been out for a few hours now." Mark says softly as he brings me back into his chest, kissing my forhead and I look around trying to find any kind of hope. "Lexie's dead and Arizona's pinned by the plane, Derek's arms a mess and you've-" He lists off and my heart breaks at the news of Lexie, she may not have been my actual sister but my god did I feel like she was.

"I saw, please just don't say it. Just, don't or I will pass out and we both know that I can't let that happen." I say shakily and he nods in understanding as he carefully takes my hand making me cry slightly before I pull myself together. "Meredith is she okay?"

"I'm fine, a slight wound in my leg and that's it." Meredith says as her and Derek come over to me, her sitting in front of me and Derek checking my head as best he can with a make shift splint on his arm. "Are you in any pain?"

"I, uh, it's managable (lie). I'm guessing my arms dislocated and I don't know where the hell my leg is." I tell her and she chuckles slightly with teary eyes while taking my good hand from Mark making him groan and I carefully pull her into my side as her tears start falling again. "My phone, I turned it off during the flight but it should have charge in it. It's in my back pocket Derek, grab it and see if it'll work." I instruct and he quickly does so.

"Yes! It's working and you have signal!" He shouts as he moves to call for help and I nod in return which is a big mistake as my vision clouds again.

"No, no, no, keep your eyes on me y/n. That's it, I've lost one sister I can't lose another one so please, keep looking at me." Meredith pleads as she cups my cheeks and I smile at her weakly as my head falls back onto Mark's shoulder. "When we get out of here we're never flying again understand, never."

"Agreed." I say as I spot Arizona looking at me with scared eyes. "Help me over to Arizona, she needs someone beside her." I tell her and she carefully helps me over to her before going back to Derek's side, clutching his him tightly when he pulls her into his chest. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" She asks and I hum as I rest my head against the plane. "Seriously, they haven't told me anything. I need you to tell me that you're okay!" She says quickly and I can hear the panic in her voice.

"I'll be okay. My legs been torn off from the knee down and my shoulders dislocated but I'm fine. You?" I ask and she gestures to the plane crushing her leg with a sob. Carefully hugging her I kiss the top of her head and run my hand through her hair. "Derek's calling for help now, we should be out of here soon. We'll get out of this together and after that I swear I will let you talk me into doing anything you want so long as it doesn't involve flying." I tell her and she nods as she kisses me as best she can with our positions.

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