Brother!Mark Sloan x Reader

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A/N: Mentions of domestic abuse

Y/n's POV

Bringing my knees up to my chest I hug them tight to me as tears run down my cheeks and stare straight ahead at the black screen of the tv blankly. How had I ended up in this situation? Oh right, I had trusted someone and it came back to bite me in the ass. Slowly reaching up to wipe away my tears I become aware of someone knocking at the apartment door but can't find the motivation to get up to answer it. After a moment the knocking stops and I thought that they had left until I hear the door being unlocked before light floods the dark apartment making me blink in suprise.

"Y/n? What's happened? Is everything okay?" I hear Mark ask as he turns on the light only for him to gasp before he rushes over to me, dropping to his knees in front of me. Flinching as he reaches up to take my chin inbetween his fingers I offer him the tiniest smile which turns out as more of a grimace. "Who did this?" He asks gently and I close my eyes for a moment before clearing my throat.

"I trusted him, he-" I start to say but cut myself off with a shake of my head and he nods in understanding before standing up and lifting me off the sofa into his arms. Resting my head on his shoulder as he carries me out of the apartment I can't stop the sob that escapes me and he tightens his hold on me as he carries me out to the car.

"I've got you darling, it's okay. I'm going to take you to the hospital and have those cuts taken care of then we can talk about what happened." He says before kissing my head and I nod into his shoulder. "I don't want to ask this y/n but you know that I need to. Did he rape you?" He asks me gently and I shake my head.

"No, he hasn't been interested in anything like that with me for months." I tell him and he relaxes slightly as he unlocks his car. Sliding out of his arms I slowly get into the car wincing at the movements as they pull at my cuts and I know that I have a broken rib or two. "I'm going to need a chest x-ray Mark, he kicked my ribs a few times and probably a head ct as well. I'm also going to need Callie to check out my left wrist, I heard something snap when I landed on it earlier." I ramble out as he starts to drive towards the hospital and I can see him nodding silently.

"How long has this been going on?" He asks and I sigh.

"I broke up with him last week after he slapped me because he lost his job, which he blamed me and my schedule for. I kicked him out and hadn't heard from him until last night when he was waiting for me when I got home from the hospital. He was pissed and barged his way inside when I refused to let him in, he was screaming at me calling me everything he could think of and then some." I tell him shakily and swallow before I can continue. "When I tried get him to leave he pushed me onto the sofa and locked the door after that its a blur. I remember him kicking me, I also remember his fist connecting with my cheek at some point but then it's all just a blur."

"Okay, we're almost at the hospital and I'll get Derek to call Ma, she'll know what to do." He tells me and I carefully turn my head to smile at him. "Will you please tell the police and have him charged?" He asks me as he parks outside the hospital and he looks at me with worried eyes.

"Okay, but can you stay with me while I talk to them?" I ask him and he gives me a gentle smile while nodding.

"Of course I can y/n. I'll be beside you every step of the way if you want." He says before getting out of the car and I carefully start to get out when he scoops me up again making me wince at the sudden movement as it shifts my ribs. "Sorry." He says before kissing my head and I shake my head.

"It's fine Mark, it was an accident. You don't have to apologise." I tell him as he carries me into the hospital making many nurses and doctors gasp while Derek comes running over to us with a worried Addison hot on his heels.

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